Otsikko: Mielenkiintoinen vaihtoehtokirja New Age:sta Kirjoitti: Lake - 17.04.2007 13:04:35 http://www.amazon.com/Inside-New-Age-Nightmare-Ever/dp/0910311587
Avaa ilmeisesti silmiƤ aiheesta: Lainaus My sister refused to read the book when I first gave it to her and begged her to read it. She thought it had closed my mind and leaving the New Age did not suit her at the time.One day she read it and has never been the same. She dumped her spirit guide that same day and asked God to help her. He did. She hadn't realized how she was living in fear until the fear was lifted from her along with her spirit guide who was nothing but a deceiver from hell in a nice coating.If you wonder what might be wrong about the New Age -read this book! :D |