Astro Foorumi

Muita keskusteluaiheita => Henkimaailman ilmiöitä => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 31.08.2007 10:13:40

Otsikko: Lopun Ajan Merkkejä?
Kirjoitti: sideman - 31.08.2007 10:13:40

Venetsuelalainen yliopisto ryhtyy opettamaan joogalentoa. No huh huh!

> Venezuela's hero of private education makes Consciousness-Based
> Education available to 40,000 students
> Venezuela's hero of private education makes Consciousness-Based
> Education available to 40,000 students
> by Global Good News staff writer
> Global Good News Translate This Article
> 26 August 2007
> Great praise and admiration are due to Mr Richard Tucker, one of
> the world's leading educators. Vice-Chancellor of Venezuela's
> private Iutirla University with 40,000 students on 24 campuses in
> 13 towns throughout Venezuela, Mr Tucker has personally organized
> the official introduction of Consciousness-Based Education into the
> curriculum of the university.
> Mr Tucker, whose father and grandfather started and built up
> Venezuela's largest private university, says he wants to provide
> the students in his care with everything they need to meet the
> challenges of today's world. He sees Consciousness-Based Education
> as the system that will do this most effectively.
> The news that Mr Tucker had signed an agreement with the Global
> Country of World Peace was reported on the Maharishi Channel on 20
> August by Dr Jose Luis Alvarez Roset, Raja of Latin America.
> Raja Luis explained that Venezuela has a population of 29 million
> and thus requires around 500 Yogic Flyers to crown the nation with
> invincibility. The country is also favoured by nature in that it
> has the Angel Falls, the largest waterfalls in the world, and a
> large coastline to the north. Water bodies to the north or east are
> auspicious and bring favourable influences, according to Vastu
> Vidya, or the science of orientation and placement embodied in
> Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.
> Mr Tucker, a man of great foresight and insight, has personally
> designed the publicity materials to bring Consciousness-Based
> Education to his students' attention. He also takes every
> opportunity to personally recommend the programme to them. This new
> addition to the curriculum will be an option that students can
> take, and will supplement a wide range of vocational and academic
> courses offered by the university.
> Students at all campuses opting into Consciousness-Based Education
> will receive instruction simultaneously by videoconference. This
> will ensure that there is no delay in the maximum number of
> students starting to practise the Transcendental Meditation and TM-
> Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, which is the technology at
> the core of this most advanced educational system.
> Mr Tucker is also the President of the Private Education School
> Association in Venezuela, which has 250,000 students under its
> care. The uptake of Consciousness-Based Education in the country,
> therefore, is potentially very much greater even than at present.
> So great is Mr Tucker's appreciation of the programmes of Maharishi
> Mahesh Yogi, and their ability to create invincibility—a state of
> 'all good for everyone, and non-good for no one'—that he has also
> donated a prime plot of land in a beautiful residential area of the
> capital, Caracas, to the Global Country of World Peace.
> The plot, which Mr Tucker has had for some time without knowing
> what purpose he wished to put it to, will now be adorned with a
> magnificent, white marble clad Tower of Invincibility.
> Mr Tucker, Raja Luis concluded, is truly a great and successful
> leader who will bring huge benefits to his country, and indeed, to
> the world. On hearing of these developments in Venezuela, Maharishi
> Mahesh Yogi commented that Mr Tucker had placed his country 'on a
> golden path'.
> Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.
> Global Good News comment:
> For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a
> healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please
> visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.