Astro Foorumi

Astro special => Sideerinen astrologia => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 19.01.2006 11:09:21

Otsikko: Sanskriittia sideerikoille: Saturnus
Kirjoitti: sideman - 19.01.2006 11:09:21
1 ravisuta m. the son of the sun; E. of the planet Saturn & of the monkey Sugri1va.
2 ravitanaya m. the son of the sun; E. of the planet Saturn & of Yama.
3 sUrasuta m. the planet Saturn (son of the sun).*
4 sUryaja  & {-tanaya} m. the planet Saturn (son of the sun).
5 sUryaputra  m. E. of the Acvins, Yama, & the planet Saturn (cf. {sUryaja});
6 shani   m. the planet Saturn.

E. = epiteetti, "haukkumanimi"
U = uu, pitkä u