Otsikko: [enkku] Balettitanssijat "joogalentäjinä"? Kirjoitti: sideman - 15.02.2010 10:09:53 Joskus näkee väitettävän, että huipputanssijoiden, erityisesti kai balettisellaisten, hypyt näyttävät uhmaavan ajoittain luonnon lakeja. Kenties he saattavat olla tavallista "parempia" myös ns. joogalentäjinä: From: "Rick Archer" <rick@...> Date: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:58 am Subject: Yogic "Floating" experience From a friend: It was during resting period after the first days of heavy hopping. He went up in slow motion, about one metre. And after a few secs went down in slow motions. Absolut incredible. You will never forgot such a sight. He was a french professional dancer, and much more relaxed than most of us. But somehow, I never got to talk to him about it the following days, and he also never talked about it. So I thought, maybe he only felt to have the feeling of floating, and never realized himself, that he really was floating. :buck2: Otsikko: Vs: [enkku] Balettitanssijat "joogalentäjinä"? Kirjoitti: Rakkauden enkeli - 15.02.2010 15:42:27 Tanssi saa ihmeitä aikaan. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: