Astro Foorumi

Muita keskusteluaiheita => Kirja- ja linkkivinkit => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 26.11.2010 01:21:38

Otsikko: Onko samaadhi joogan lähtökohta?
Kirjoitti: sideman - 26.11.2010 01:21:38

(samaadhi = sam + aa-dhi: putting [aa-dhi] together [sam])

Eli siis kyseessä lienee mielen yhdistäminen itseen eli aatmaan eli draSTaa'han
(näkijään) eli puruSaan (muinaiseen [Mies-]Häneen??[1])  eli puhtaaseen (pelkkään, itseensäviittaavaan, "sisällöttömään") tietoisuuteen?

1.    puruSa   m. (m. c. also %{pU4r-} ; prob. fr. %{pRR} and connected with %{puru} , %{pUru} ifc. f. %{A} , rarely %{I} ; cf. Pa1n2. 4-i , 24) a man , male , human being (pl. people , mankind) RV. &c. &c. ; a person , (%{pumAn@puruSaH} , a male person S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. ; %{daNDaHp-} , punishment personified Mn. ; esp. grammatical pers. ; with %{prathama} , %{madhyama} , %{uttama} = the 3rd , 2nd , 1st pers. Nir. Pa1n2.) , an officer , functionary , attendant , servant Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{tat-p-}) ; a friend L. ; a follower of the Sa1m2khya Philosophy (?) L. ; a member or representative of a race or generation TS. Br. Mn. &c. ; the height or measure of a man (= 5 Aratnis = 120 An3gulas) S3Br. S3ulbas. Var. ; the pupil of the eye S3Br. ; (also with %{nArAyaNa}) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the Purusha-suukta q.v.) RV. S3Br. &c. ; the personal and animating principle in men and other beings , the soul or spirit AV. &c. &c. ; the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with %{para} , %{parama} , or %{uttama} ; also identified with Brahma1 , Vishn2u , S3iva and Durga1) VS. S3Br. &c. &c. ; (in Sa1m2kbya) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the Prakr2iti or creative force IW. 82 &c. ; the , `" spirit "' or fragrant exhalation of plants RV. x ,