Astro Foorumi

Muita keskusteluaiheita => Kirja- ja linkkivinkit => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 07.03.2011 00:49:52

Otsikko: Best way for combating PTSD?
Kirjoitti: sideman - 07.03.2011 00:49:52


But even with impressive results like this, critics might argue that military personnel would not be willing to practice the TM technique. Initially this might be the case, but the results of the practice speak for themselves. For instance, Lt. Col. Brenda Marlinbanks, a U.S. Army Reserve officer, expressed her initial skepticism about learning the TM technique. "It seemed too wimpy for an Army person," she said. But a U.S. Air Force officer advised her to learn it because she had gone through some personal difficulties and was coping very well.

Marlinbanks took her advice, and was grateful she did. "A few days after I began TM, I was able to sort through all the loose thoughts and tasks that were fogging up in my mind."

She said TM gave her the clarity to prioritize the important things and discard the junk eating up her precious time. "Now I have more time and feel less anxious and stressed...It's hard to believe that something so simple could be so effective and so fast."

For those concerned a perceived "machismo pushback" for meditation may prevent Sri Lankan warriors from learning to meditate, read the following "war story."