Astro Foorumi

Muita keskusteluaiheita => Muita kokemuksia => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 24.07.2011 00:13:53

Otsikko: Astrology and psychiatry?
Kirjoitti: sideman - 24.07.2011 00:13:53

Years ago I spoke with someone who looked at the horoscopes of several
psychiatric patients in a particular psychiatrist's office (prior patient
permission given, but astrologer had no info on the patients other than
birthdate and time) and was able to tell the dr just what was going on with the
patients in terms of reason for the problem and diagnosis.  He did this while in
a graduate program at Harvard in the 70's. Never published, just an experiment.
He says the psychiatrist was amazed at the accuracy and some of the insights.
Astrology will never be taken seriously until some really good research is done
and redone to prove, or disprove, its accuracy.
