Otsikko: Our brains are selfish dicks? Kirjoitti: sideman - 09.02.2013 13:54:32 Looking for a job? The company you prefer might just share initials with you, and the first letter of your name can determine your career path. There is a statistical overabundance of dentists whose first names start with D and lawyers with names like Larry and Laura. What the hell? Are people just ... stupid? The theory is that this is all because our brains are selfish dicks that think the bits of the alphabet that start up our names are somehow better letters. Some psychologists believe it's linked to a phenomenon called implicit egotism: We respond more favorably to anything that reminds us of ourselves. No matter how illogical and arbitrary. Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_20223_5-bizarre-factors-that-secretly-influence-your-opinions.html#ixzz2KOzKUeyn Otsikko: Vs: Our brains are selfish dicks? Kirjoitti: Ave^^ - 09.02.2013 15:09:32 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
Voi ei, onko tuo totta? ;D Eipä vaan tule silti mieleen ammattia omalla alkukirjaimellani alkavaa, enkä semmosessa ole ollut tai suuntaamassakaan.. muok. eipäs kun tuleekin, nuoriso-ohjaaja, joka voisi olla kiinnostava ammatti kyllä. Ja miksiköhän tilini on Nordeassa. ;D Ehkä tossa voi piillä vain se tuttuuskin, aina nähnyt sen oman nimen joka puolella, niin ne kirjaimet tuntuu tutuilta ja turvallisilta? |