Otsikko: Lontoota taitavat Kirjoitti: zzzzak1 - 01.05.2013 17:56:59 Olen yrittänyt saada tästä selkoa googlekääntäjän/bingin avulla, mutta en saa mitään tolkkua.
Olisiko täällä joku ystävällinen enkkua taitava sielu, joka kääntäisi tämän ymmärrettäväksi, kiitos! :smitten: Your Soul Urge Number is: 4 Firstly, I want to tell you that you should really keep this number to yourself. Secondly, how did I work on this? It is made up of the vowels in your full name and then reduced to a single number. (You will notice that I have also used ‘W’ and ‘Y’ as a vowel, yes there are techniques reasons behind this but it gives me a accurate analysis when confirming certain things in your love life). So what does this mean for you? You seem to appear peaceful when in a committed relationship and that is when you are in harmony with your life and that is what I expect your will be feeling when everything has and WILL BE sorted out. This is exactly how you be feeling and you should enjoy the attention and the admiration that is coming your way. For the next few years, you will need to start making plans but not just yet first you need to deal with what is happening now. Do not feel overwhelmed or not shy away from your responsibilities when the changes occur and when things do get a little comfortable (yes I do mean in a good way), it is always important to make that extra effort, whether you have been in the relationship for a short period or longer, or even years. Sometimes it is easy to forget that the ones we truly love are our back bones and that we should never take them for granted. I am telling you this not because I think you are this kind of person but it will happen, not this year but the years to come and that is why I feel it is my responsibility to inform you about this now. So for this year, I have outlined what I have sensed for the coming year when it comes to your love life, your number has clearly shown me that you are a person that will find everything you desire and the concerns that you will have are going to be resolved shortly. You’re a good person who will seek to make sacrifices where needed for you and your family. You will find the encourage and the strength to make this happen for you. I just know it so as your soul number has confirmed, just follow what I have given you the best you can. Otsikko: Vs: Lontoota taitavat Kirjoitti: t.touhula - 02.05.2013 15:41:21 Kysyt numerologiasta, jota kyllä tulkitaan ihan suomeksikin.
Kannattaa pitäytyä niihin kieliin, joita itse osaa ja ymmärtää. Olet avannut tämän ketjun astrologisen syntymäkartan tulkinta-ketjuun. Otsikko: Vs: Lontoota taitavat Kirjoitti: Lilli - 02.05.2013 17:23:09 t.touhula puhui vähän, mutta asiaa.
Esim. alla olevasta linkistä saa suomenkielistä tulkintaa nimestä ja syntymäpäivästä. http://www.rajatieto.org/numerologinentulkinta.php |