Otsikko: Nyt Nokiaa salkkuun?! Kirjoitti: sideman - 01.05.2014 18:17:24 Nokian viime noteeraus EUR 5.40... A number of other firms have also recently commented on NOK. Analysts at Natixis upgraded shares of Nokia from a reduced rating to a neutral rating in a research note on Wednesday. Separately, analysts at Evercore Partners raised their price target on shares of Nokia from $7.00 to $8.00 in a research note on Wednesday. They now have an equal weight rating on the stock. Finally, analysts at BMO Capital Markets raised their price target on shares of Nokia from $6.50 to $7.00 in a research note on Wednesday. Five analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, seventeen have issued a hold rating and sixteen have given a buy rating to the company. Nokia currently has a consensus rating of Hold and a consensus price target of $12.15. $12.15 = € 8.76 Otsikko: Vs: Nyt Nokiaa salkkuun?! Kirjoitti: sideman - 01.05.2014 22:31:53 Lienee syytä painokkaasti kuitenkin todeta, että esim. pörssiosakkeisiin sijoittamalla voi periaatteessa menettää jopa koko sijoittamansa pääoman... Caveat emptor! ::) |