Otsikko: [Linkki] Joogalentäjän(?) valaistumiskokemus? Kirjoitti: sideman - 27.01.2018 15:29:19 Teeämmärin (sidhan eli "joogalentäjän"?) valaistumiskokemus:
(CC = cosmic consciousness, valaistumisen "alkeellisin" aste, transsendenttisen, ajatusten tuolla puolen olevan tietoisuudentilan kokemus 24/7, simultaanisti jonkun kolmesta relatiivisen tietoisuuden tilasta kera [OMG!]) Pätkä tekstin loppupäästä: In that sense, it seems to be a paradox. How can something so immensely subtle and beyond the senses come to be so powerfully all pervasive and dominant? Also: It seems that God has become the very essence of my Being. That is to say it is utterly impossible to separate him from myself. He is the essence of who I am. That probably sounds grander than it feels. It is such a subtle experience and yet so undeniable. I am literally unable to conceive of him as a separate being. If I seek Him to converse with or ask for his help, I cannot find him anywhere but in me...or, perhaps it’s more like I am on Him. Either statement is equally true. Read more: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FairfieldLife/conversations/messages/436658 |