Astro Foorumi

Muita keskusteluaiheita => Kirja- ja linkkivinkit => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 17.06.2006 22:29:51

Otsikko: Samaadhin (sam + aa + dhi) kuvaus?
Kirjoitti: sideman - 17.06.2006 22:29:51

Samadhi, a description
In his book "Autobiography of a Yogi", Paramahansa Yogananda, a reputed, modern day spiritual saint of India and teacher of Kriya Yoga, gives this stirring description of Samadhi consciousness:

My body became immovably rooted; breath was drawn out of my lungs as if by some huge magnet. Soul and mind instantly lost their physical bondage, and streamed out like a fluid piercing light from my every pore. The flesh was as though dead, yet in my intense awareness I knew that never before had I been fully alive. My sense of identity was no longer narrowly confined to a body, but embraced the circumambient atoms. People on distant streets seemed to be moving gently over my own remote periphery. The roots of plants and trees appeared through a dim transparency of the soil; I discerned the inward flow of their sap.

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