Otsikko: [enkku] TM ja verenpaine ym. Kirjoitti: sideman - 05.12.2018 23:25:55 An NIH-funded meta-analysis of nine randomized
controlled TM trials on hypertension found that TM was the only alternative method that had a proven effect (p=.0002). The American Heart Association now advises that doctors can prescribe TM as a clinical treatment for hypertension. They advised against prescribing any other meditation technique (including Yoga and Mindfulness) due to lack of consistent results[1]. (Lisäys) Merkittävä ero TM:n ja MF:n välillä lienee se, että edellisen oppimiskäyrä on erittäin jyrkkä (monet oppivat lähes täydellisesti noin puolessa tunnissa, ellei esittelyluentoja oteta lukuun) kun taas jälkimmäisen käyrä lienee yleensä melko loiva (oppiminen kestää ja kestää?)... https://koyttoliittyma.wordpress.com/2006/08/14/jyrkkien-kayrien-puolesta/ Reduced cholesterol: Two randomized controlled trials, one from the Kaiser Permanent Medical Center in Oakland, California, and another one in Tel Aviv University Medical School in Israel, both independently found a 30mg/dl (0,75 millimoolia? Esim. 6,00 -> 5,25?) decrease in total cholesterol levels after one year of TM practice (p<.005 and p<.001) versus no significant change in the control group. The control group were encouraged to change their lifestyle, while the TM group was not asked to make any change, only meditate for 20 minutes twice a day. (Bloody bad news for Big Pharma, vai kuinka? - ) [1] Hypertension, June 2013 Otsikko: Vs: [enkku] TM ja verenpaine ym. Kirjoitti: sideman - 06.12.2018 11:37:21 Olen nyt lukenut noin puolet free ebookista*. Minulla ei ollut minkään
valtakunnan käsitystä siitä, että tieteellinen näyttö TM:n terveyshyödyistä on niinkin kiistaton. Se, ettei teeämmää oteta vieläkin yleisemmin käyttöön kansanterveydellisenä "huippuinstrumenttina", voinee kieliä vain siitä että Iso Raha (aseteollisuus, lääketeollisuus, jne, jne.) sekä mahdollisesti tietyt uskonnolliset piirit lobbaavat rajusti ämmän suosion leviämistä vastaan? :) (Lisäys) Veikkaan että esim. Suomen lestadiolainen pääministeri kauhistuisi ajatusta TM:stä yhteiskunnan tukemana kansanterveyden edistäjänä. En toki voi tuosta satavarma olla... * www.fieldparadigm.com Lievän näkövamman takii olen melko hidas lukija... Otsikko: Vs: [enkku] TM ja verenpaine ym. Kirjoitti: sideman - 07.12.2018 02:03:47 Suomi putos puusta, nyt se putoo kelkasta?? ;D
Fortunately, after more than 45 years of TM research the tide finally appears to be shifting, especially when it comes to governments supporting TM in schools. • After the success of the experiment in San Francisco, the San Fransisco Unified School District now wants to have TM in every school in the city. • After the success of the Maharishi School in the UK, the English government is now funding Maharishi Schools as part of their Free Schools program. • The EU allocated $500,000 to do a thorough scientific research with TM in schools in three schools across Europe. These projects are starting now. • The Ministry of Education of Bali decided that they want TM as part of the curriculum in all of their schools. • In India, more than 200 schools already use TM as part of their curriculum. • Hundreds of schools are starting to use TM in Nepal. The most successful programs, however, are happening in Latin America. • The Brazilian government decided that they’d like to see TM as a part of the curriculum in all 48,000 public schools in the country22. The only problem they have is that there are not enough TM teachers. There are currently about 40,000 trained TM teachers in the world. For the Brazil project alone they need 250,000. • The state of Oaxaca in Mexico already has TM in 450 schools. • The government of Ecuador already has their entire military (army, navy, and air force) practicing TM and has recently signed an agreement to bring TM to 2000 schools. • Peru is starting a government-sponsored program to bring TM to their schools. (On mulla vuorokausirytmi ihan sekasin, kun nyt kello kahden jälkeen yöllä olen suurin piirtein virkeimmilläni...LOL!) |