Astro Foorumi

Astro special => Julkkiskartat => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 11.01.2019 11:26:36

Otsikko: Vappu ja Marja!
Kirjoitti: sideman - 11.01.2019 11:26:36
Ohjelmaidean isä, Joonas Hytönen, on sitä mieltä, että Vapun* ja Marjan** kemiat synkkaavat
hyvin yhteen, joskus jopa puoli kahteen.

*  16. toukokuuta 1978 Helsinki

**  10. syyskuuta 1978 Jyväskylä

Otsikko: Vs: Vappu ja Marja!
Kirjoitti: sideman - 11.01.2019 13:28:48
Liz Greene (; Huom!  :askendentti:  12.00!):

The keynote of your [Marja's - toim. huom.] relationship with Vappu is mutual advancement, or, put another way, the potential expansion of both your lives. The inherent quality of movement toward a bigger and better future is a life-enhancing [...]

This relationship is full of lively, expansive energy which is likely to propel both you and your partner toward broadening your material and mental horizons. However, there is another element inherent in the relationship [...]

Your Relationship and Yourself

The emotional dimension of this relationship will probably have a healing and positive effect on your sense of lovability and self-value. Whatever conflicts might arise between you and your partner, you are likely to feel [...]

Your Relationship and Your Partner

This relationship could have an inspiring effect on your partner's thinking and ability to express herself. It is as though the emotional containment the relationship offers can give her a kind of "home" in which she feels [...]

Otsikko: Vs: Vappu ja Marja!
Kirjoitti: sideman - 11.01.2019 23:29:15
Venla-gaalaa katsellessa tuli mieleen että Marjan J-kyläinen (a la Ismo Leikola, Lauri Markkanen,
Matti Nykänen, jne, jne...) karisma saa Vapun tuntemaan itsensä hieman self-consciousnessiseksi?
