Otsikko: Menee viisaskin vipuun! Osa 1 Kirjoitti: sideman - 04.03.2019 12:43:11 Patañjalin mukaan on olemassa viisi perus(?)-kleshaa (kleeshaa; Måns Broo: häiriö [joogan polulla])
1. avidyaa - ("kokemuksellinen"[?] tietämättömyys (ikuisen, tosiolevan, puruSan, ja ajallisen vain [?]relatiivisesti todellisen[?] prakRtin erosta)) ; mitenkähän tuon saisi vieläkin sekavammaksi? ;D 2. asmitaa - [ I ] am-ness, individuaalisuuden harha(?) 3. raaga* - halu, himo 4. dveSa (~dveesha) - viha, inho 5. abhinivesha - application , intentness , study , affection , devotion (with loc. or ifc.) ; determination (to effect a purpose or attain an object) , tenacity , adherence to (loc.) Kum. v , 7 , &c. ; kenties tuon voisi tässä yhteydessä kääntää esim. kiintymys inkarnoituneena olemiseen, tjsp? Olemme siinä käsityksessä että tuo on asteettain pahenevien/syvenevien kleeshain luettelo, eli elämänhalu (clinging to life) on niistä pahin? Sutra II.9 स्वरसवाही विदुषोऽपि तथारूढो भिनिवेशः॥९॥ svarasavaahii viduSo 'pi (viduSaH + api) tathaaruuDho 'bhiniveshaH (tathaa+ aaruuDhaH + abhiniveshaH) (lausu osapuilleen: svarasavaahii vidushoo 'pi tathaaruudhoo 'bhiniveeshahaa) [HA]: As In The Ignorant So In The Learned The Firmly Established Inborn Fear Of Annihilation Is The Affliction Called Abhinivesa. [IT]: Abhinivesa is the strong desire for life which dominates even the learned (or the wise). [VH]: [BM]: The will to live is instinctive and overwhelming, even for a learned sage. [SS]: Clinging to life, flowing by its own potency [due to past experience], exists even in the wise. [SP]: The desire to cling to life is inherent both in the ignorant and in the learned. [kommenttimainen lisäys, ei alkutekstissä:] This is because the mind retains impressions of the death experience from many previous incarnations. [SV]: Flowing through its own nature, and established even in the learned, is the clinging to life. Måns Broon käännös: "Elämänjano" virtaa omasta voimastaan ja hallitsee viisastakin. Pätkä Månsin kommentista: Vyaasa kommentoi, että yleismaailmallinen kuolemanpelko on todiste jälleensyntymisestä.[...] Pelot johtuvat epämiellyttäviä tapahtumia koskevista muistoista [...], ja koska harvempi meistä on kuollut tässä elämässä, kuolemanpelon täytyy olla aiemman kuoleman aiheuttama taipumus (vaasanaa). * Yep yep, samaa sanaa käytetään myös Intian klassisen musiikin terminä: rAga m. (fr. %{raJj} ; ifc. %{A} , or %{I}) the act of colouring or dyeing (cf. %{mUrdhaja-r-}) ; colour , hue , tint , dye , (esp.) red colour , redness MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; inflammation Car. ; any feeling or passion , (esp.) love , affection or sympathy for , vehement desire of , interest or joy or delight in (loc. or comp.) Up. Mn. MBh. &c. ; loveliness , beauty (esp. of voice or song) S3ak. Pan5cat. ; a musical note , harmony , melody (in the later system a partic. musical mode or order of sound or formula ; Bharata enumerates 6 , viz. %{bhairava} , %{kauzika} , %{hindola} , %{dIpaka} , %{zrI-rAga} , and %{megha} , each mode exciting some affection ; other writers give other names ; sometimes 7 or 26 Ra1gas are mentioned ; they are personified , and each of the 6 chief Ra1gas is wedded to 5 or 6 consorts called Ra1gin2i1s ; their union gives rise to many other musical modes) Otsikko: Vs: Menee viisaskin vipuun! Osa 1 Kirjoitti: sideman - 04.03.2019 14:08:07 Esimerkkinä sanskritin verbijohdosten hienon hienoista merkitysvivahteista toimikoon verbi viz (vish) jonka johdos(?), abhiniveshan perustana oleva abhinivish on korostettu punaisella (muutama johdos alkupuolelta boldattu havainnollisuuden lisäämiseksi):
viz, vizati, -te , pp. {viSTa3} 1 (q.v.) enter, go in or into, sit or [[-,]] settle down on (acc. or loc.); go home or to rest, set (of the sun); get into a condition, undertake, begin (acc.); deal with (instr.), fall to the lot of, occur or happen to (acc.). C. {veza3yati} cause to enter (acc.) or sit down upon (loc.). D. {vivikSati} wish to enter (acc.). - {anu} follow, enter (acc); follow a person (acc.) into (acc.). {A} enter, pervade, settle down on or among (acc., r. loc.); inire (acc.); approach, get at, take possession of (acc.); get into a state or condition (acc.). C. cause to enter, put into (loc., r. acc.), turn or set upon, entrust or commit to (loc.). {anvA} enter, take possession of (acc.); follow, conform one's self to (acc.). {abhyA} enter, penetrate (acc. or loc.). {upA} the same, get into; visit, befall (acc.). {prA} come to (acc.); C. lead in, introduce. {samA} enter, penetrate, pervade (acc.), sit or settle down on (loc. or acc.); visit, befall (acc.); get into a condition (acc.); devote one's self to (acc.). C. lead or put into (acc.), turn upon (loc.), commit, entrust (loc.). {upa} approach (acc.); stop, sit or settle down, set (sun); cohabit (instr.); attend or apply one's self to (acc.). C. cause to sit down on, put in (loc.). {upopa} sit down beside each other or at a person's (acc.) side. {paryupa} sit around. {samupa} sit down or be seated (together). {ni} M. (A.) enter, penetrate, pervade (acc. or loc.); bite (of a leech); sit or settle down on (loc.), resort, turn, or attend to (acc. or loc.); establish one's self i.e. marry (man); stop, make a halt, come to rest, cease. C. cause to enter, cause to sit or settle down on (loc.); bring to rest; cause (a man) to marry, draw up or encamp (an army); lead, bring, put, transfer into (loc.); build, found, populate, make inhabitable (town etc.), throw or hurl upon, fix in, put on, turn or direct to (loc.), don (clothes); appoint to (loc.), confer upon (loc.). With {citre} paint, w. {pattre} write down, w. {citte} or {hRdaye} call to mind. {abhinivish} M. (A.) enter or penetrate into, insist or be bent upon (acc.); belong to (loc.). C. lead into, turn or direct to, place or fix upon (loc.). {upani} C. encamp (an army), found (a city). {pariNi} settle down around. {vini} put, place, fix, turn (loc.), appoint to, set about (loc.). {saMni} C. lead into (a house), lodge, set or lay down, draw up (an army); place, put, fix in or on, hurl upon (loc.); build, found; appoint to (loc.), load or confer upon (loc.). {nis} enter (acc. or loc., {ñgRheSu} become a householder, marry); pay back, restore; enjoy, delight in (acc.). {pra} enter, get into (acc. or loc.); pierce, penetrate; reach, attain (acc.), enjoy carnally (acc.); attend to, be bent upon (acc., r. loc.); enter, make one's appearance (d.). C. cause to enter, lead in, introduce (loc. or acc.); lead home, marry; lay down, place, put etc. in (loc. or acc.); appoint, install; initiate into (acc.); write down. {anupra} enter (after another), get into or among (acc., r. loc.), resort to (acc.). {saMpra} enter, go in, inire, take to, deal with (acc.). C. cause to enter, bring or lead into (acc.). {sam} come near, approach; join (acc. or instr.); enter, go into (acc., r. loc.), settle down, go to rest; lie or sleep with (instr. {ñsaha}, dat., or acc.), lie on or in (loc.). C. cause to lie down, set, place, put etc. on or in, bring into or to (loc.). {anusam} go to rest after (acc.). {abhisam} assemble around (acc.). -- Cf. {anupraviSTa, abhiniviSTa, abhiviSTa, AviSTa, upaviSTa, nirviSTa, ni3viSTa, pra3viSTa, viniviSTa, saMniviSTa, samAviSTa}. |