Otsikko: Sycamoren yogasiddhi-mäiset kyvyt! Kirjoitti: sideman - 30.10.2019 00:58:09 Kvanttitietsikka Sycamoren kyvyt ovat vähän kuin suurimmat yoga-siddhit (esim. kaikkitietävyys) verrattuna
tavan tallaajien kykyihin (vaikkapa piin tuhansien desimaalien muistaminen): The authors then extended the circuits into the not-directly-verifiable supremacy regime. They used a broader set of two-qubit gates to spread entanglement more widely across the full 53-qubit processor and increased the number of cycles from 14 to 20. The full circuit could not be simulated or directly verified in a reasonable amount of time, so Arute et al. simply archived these quantum data for future reference — in case extremely efficient classical algorithms are one day discovered that would enable verification. However, the patch-circuit, elided-circuit and calculated XEB fidelities all remained in agreement. When 53 qubits were operating over 20 cycles, the XEB fidelity calculated using these proxies remained greater than 0.1%. Sycamore sampled the solutions in a mere 200 seconds, whereas classical sampling at 0.1% fidelity would take 10,000 years, and full verification would take several million years. :o :crazy2: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03173-4 |