Astro Foorumi

Muita keskusteluaiheita => Henkimaailman ilmiöitä => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 19.09.2020 12:17:08

Otsikko: bho bhoH: giitaa ja kastisysteemi!
Kirjoitti: sideman - 19.09.2020 12:17:08
Haiskahtaa vahvasti sille, että Krishna väittää olevansa kastisysteemin (varNa*) perustaja?

chAturvarNyaM mayA sR^iShTa.n guNakarmavibhAgashaH .
tasya kartAramapi mA.n vid.hdhyakartAramavyayam .. 4\-13..

tshaatur-varnjam majaa srishtang guNa-karma-vibhaagashaha .
tasja karttaaram api maam viddhi+akarttaaram avjajam .. 4\-13..

MMY & Katz:

The fourfold order was created by Me
according to the division of guNas and actions (karma -- sidis).
Though I am its author, know Me to be the
non-doer (tao: wu-wei -- sidis), immutable.


The entire creation is the interplay of the three guNas. When the primal equilibrium
of sattva, rajas and tamas is disturbed, they begin to interact and creation begins.
All three must be present in every aspect of creation, because, with creation, the
process of evolution begins and this needs two forces opposed to each other and
one that is complementary to both.

Sattva and tamas are opposed to each other, while rajas is the force
complementary to both. Tamas destroys the created state; sattva creates
a new state while the first is being destroyed. In this way, through the
simultaneous process creation and destruction the process of evolution
is carried on. The force of rajas plays a necessary but neutral part in creation
and destruction; it maintains a bond between sattva and tamas.
Thus all three guNas are necessary for any state of manifested life.

'The fourfold order': mathematically, the three guNas may combine with
each other in six possible ways:
[Halasulkeissa meitsin ehdotukset vastaavaksi kastiksi...]

1. Sattva dominates, rajas is secondary [braahmaNa?]
2. Sattva dominates, tamas is secondary
3. Rajas dominates, sattva is secondary [kSatriya?]
4. Rajas dominates, tamas is secondary [vaishya?]
5. Tamas dominates, sattva is secondary
6. Tamas dominates, rajas is secondary [shuudra?]

Combinations 2 and 5 are not possible because of the contrast in the
nature of sattva and tamas. Thus the three guNas have only four
possible combinations.

This is the fourfold order of creation. Every species, whether vegetable, animal or human,
is divided into four categories according to the four divisions of the guNas, which determine
the natural mode of activity of each category.

Loput täällä:

(Sikahalpa skanneri: esim. HP DeskJet 2632; ei kannata käyttää kuitenkaan printterinä: silloin tulee
todella kalliiksi, koska mukana on ilkeä twisti...?)


* varNa   m. cover, lid; outside, external appearance, colour, dye, paint, complexion; sort, kind, character, sort of men i.e. caste; letter, sound, vowel, syllable, word; praise, glory.