Otsikko: Mother Divine ja kuNDalinii Kirjoitti: sideman - 05.06.2021 12:59:55 Peter Freund'in mukaan VasiSTha väittää, että levitaation (khaga: kha-ga = ilma[ssa]-kulkeminen; vrt. esim. ruotsin gå) pääsyyllinen on shakti nimeltä kuNDalii?/kuNDalinii.
Freund käyttää myös termiä paraa shakti (paras[huonoin]* voima/energia) antaen näin ymmärtää, että kuNDalinii on shaktien aatelia, tai jotain. Käännöksissä hän käyttää tuota adjektiivifraasia myös silloin kun alkutekstissä on kuNDalii tai kuNDalinii. Kenties osasyy tuohon on se, että länsimainen versio "kundaliini-yogasta" on useimmiten täysin "vesitetty", sillä aito kuNDali-yoga (?vrt. yoga-kuNDaly-upaniSat) on niin vaarallista, että se vaatii henk. koht. gurun jatkuvaa läsnäoloa, jotta vältytään esim. aivojen "grillautumiselta"? Kolmas termi mitä Freund käyttää tuossa yhteydessä, on Mother Divine, alkutekstissä ilmeisesti pelkkä Mother (maataa; ainakin yksikön lokatiivin maatari (vrt. ruotsin i moder, missä sanskritin lokatiivin i-päätteestä on tullut prepositio; no ei kai sentään, lol)) Oheisissä liitteissä pätkä Freund'in käsityksestä termin Divine Mother merkityksen kyseessä ollen. * para a. far, distant, different; either in space, i.e. remote, opposite, foreign, hostile--or in time, i.e past, previous, former, ancient, old; subsequent, future, later, last, extreme; --or in number, order, & degree, i.e. exceeding, more than; following, standing after, worse, worst; surpassing, superior, better, best (in the compar. mgs mostly w. abl. or ---). --m. another, stranger, foe, the supreme Spirit, the Absolute, a man's name. n. remotest distance, highest point or degree, final beatitude; chief matter or occupation, esp. adj. --- quite consisting of, filled with, devoted to, intent upon; as adv. & prep. beyond, after (abl.); hereafter, next, moreover, further ({ñatas, itas}, or {tatas}), excessively, beyond measure; at the best, at the utmost; at least, at any rate; but, however ({ñtu} or {kiM tu}). --Abstr. {paratA} f., {-tva3} n. Otsikko: Vs: Mother Divine ja kuNDalinii Kirjoitti: sideman - 05.06.2021 13:55:48 Brittiläisen putkimiähen, "Lobsang Rampan"*, selitys kuNDaliniista:
KUNDALINI: This is a life force. It is THE life force of the body. Just as a car cannot run without having electricity to fire the mixture in the cylinders, so humans cannot live in the body without the life force of Kundalini. In Eastern mythology the Kundalini is likened to the image of a serpent coiled up below the base of the spine. As this special force is released, or awakened, it surges up through the different Chakras and makes a person aware of esoteric things. It awakens clairvoyance, telepathy, and psychometry, and enables one to live between two worlds, moving from one to the other at will without inconvenience. The Kundalini is a dangerous thing indeed, and one should not try to awaken that Kundalini without absolutely adequate supervision from an Adept. You cannot do it by reading a book! If you meddle about and awaken your Kundalini the wrong way it can lead to madness. It is one of the most dangerous things in this world to try to raise the Kundalini without knowing what you are doing. The average human is only one-tenth conscious. Perhaps, actually, that flatters the average human! The point is that if one can raise the Kundalini one becomes very much more conscious, one can dominate others. But when one has raised the Kundalini one loses the desire to dominate others for self-gain. People wonder where exactly is the Kundalini, where is ‘at the base of the spine?’ The Kundalini force actually starts midway between the organ of generation and the organ of excretion. Now, having given you that information it is suggested 114/285 that you do not try experiments with the Kundalini unless you have a real Guru who can help you, and you must have utter faith in that Guru. If you have no Guru for the moment, remember—when the student is ready the Guru will appear, but the Guru knows, and the student does not know, when the student is ready. The Bible story of Adam and Eve, complete with serpent and apple, is merely the story of Eve having her Kundalini awakened. ‘The Serpent tempted Eve,’ and Eve suggested naughty, naughty things to Adam who certainly learned fast, and took a hearty bite of the Apple of Knowledge. Now look at what happened to all us poor humans since! Do you get it? Eve, the Mother of all Living, the same as now Mary is a more or less general term for Woman throughout the world. The serpent is the serpent force of the Kundalini, and the apple is the Fruit of Knowledge. So you don't meddle with the Kundalini, or it will bite your brains. * Lobsang Rampa is the pen name of an author who wrote books with paranormal and occult themes. His best known work is The Third Eye, published in Britain in 1956. Following the publication of the book, newspapers reported that Rampa was Cyril Henry Hoskin (8 April 1910 – 25 January 1981), a plumber from Plympton in Devon who claimed that his body hosted the spirit of a Tibetan lama going by the name of Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, who is purported to have authored the books. The name Tuesday relates to a claim in The Third Eye that Tibetans are named after the day of the week on which they were born. Otsikko: Vs: Mother Divine ja kuNDalinii Kirjoitti: sideman - 05.06.2021 14:53:51 Jooga-ento lienee sikäli turvallinen kuNDaliniin nostatus metodi, että koska
se on puhtaasti menttaalinen tekniikka, "käärme" ei herää elleivät kanavat ole valmiiksi auki? Eli toisin sanoen, "kärmestä" ei yritetä pakottaa suSumnaa naaDiihin erilaisilla manipulaatiojutskilla, eikä esim. brahma-granthia yritetä väkisin aukaista. |