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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Zen ja 5 elementtiä  (Luettu 11414 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
« : 20.10.2005 08:14:45 »

Viestejä: 118

« Vastaus #1 : 20.10.2005 20:52:19 »

Kävin tuolla ja tein testin vastaukseksi sain tämmöistä...[/color]

The results of the test are analyzed in two parts: (1) energy balance according to Chinese element theory, and (2) personality type and appropriate choice of meditation subject. Both parts include links to other pages on this site where you can find out more about the ideas behind this analysis.

1. Energy balance
Your personal energy is dominated by the water element, supported by earth. Your most depleted energy is wood. These three energies interact dynamically as follows:

-   earth energy, if present in any quantity, has a moderating effect on water;

-   water energy has a tendency to transform into wood.

After you've finished reading this page, you can go to the Chinese elements page to find out more about what these different types of energy signify.

2. Personality and meditation subject
In terms of Buddhist psychological theory, your personality is the "believer" type. As with all personality types this is fine in moderation, but if unchecked it may develop into intolerance. To prevent this from happening, a suitable meditation subject is generosity. You can either meditate formally on this subject, or just contemplate it occasionally in your daily life.

To find out more about the different personality types and meditation subjects, go to the Zen & meditation page

Undecided...mitähän pitäisi uskoa... en ole ihan varma suomensinko sen päässäni oikein, mutta ei tuo kauhian hyvää kuvaa musta anna...[/color uglystupid2[/b] Vai antaako?

Synnyin tahtomattani, kuolen tahtomattani, antakaa minun edes elää niinkuin itse tahdon.
Viestejä: 416

« Vastaus #2 : 21.10.2005 09:46:51 »

1. Energy balance
Your personal energy is dominated by the fire element, supported by wood. Your most depleted energy is water. These three energies interact dynamically as follows:

-   wood energy has a tendency to transform into fire;

-   water energy, if present in any quantity, has a moderating effect on fire.

After you've finished reading this page, you can go to the Chinese elements page to find out more about what these different types of energy signify.

2. Personality and meditation subject
In terms of Buddhist psychological theory, your personality is the "discursive" type. As with all personality types this is fine in moderation, but if unchecked it may develop into delusion. To prevent this from happening, a suitable meditation subject is your breathing. You can either meditate formally on this subject, or just contemplate it occasionally in your daily life.

To find out more about the different personality types and meditation subjects, go to the Zen & meditation page.

Miten tuosson niinkuin 3 eri elementtiä?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 21.10.2005 09:54:42 kirjoittanut Dark Rock » tallennettu

Aurinko vaaka 10.
Viestejä: 416

« Vastaus #3 : 21.10.2005 09:53:14 »

Characteristics of the five elements
Water: Solitude, privacy, introspection, philosophy, mystery, truth, honesty, anxiety, nervousness, insecurity. (Images: Black, Night, Winter)

Wood: Leadership, assertiveness, creativity, planning, decision-making, competitiveness, conflict, anger, frustration. (Images: Green, Morning, Spring)

Fire: Self-expression, emotional extremes, empathy, extrovert, attention-seeking, sociable, talkative. (Images: Red, Mid-day, Midsummer)

Earth: Caring, supportive, nourishing, family-oriented, stability, grounding, "mother hen", worrier. (Images: Yellow, Afternoon, Late summer)

Metal: Precise, meticulous, logical, analytical, moderation, self-control, morality, tendency to pessimism (Images: White, Evening, Autumn)

Näinhän ei sais tehä, mutta tehään nyt  Embarrassed Embarrassed

Aurinko vaaka 10.
Viestejä: 229

« Vastaus #4 : 21.10.2005 18:12:14 »

Hyvä Testi. Minä pitää tästä.

Mulle tuli:

1. Energy balance
Your personal energy is dominated by the metal element, supported by wood. Your most depleted energy is water. These three energies interact dynamically as follows:

-   metal energy, if present in any quantity, has a moderating effect on wood;

-   metal energy has a tendency to transform into water.

After you've finished reading this page, you can go to the Chinese elements page to find out more about what these different types of energy signify.

2. Personality and meditation subject
In terms of Buddhist psychological theory, your personality is the "intellectual" type. As with all personality types this is fine in moderation, but if unchecked it may develop into arrogance. To prevent this from happening, a suitable meditation subject is the absence of thought. You can either meditate formally on this subject, or just contemplate it occasionally in your daily life.

Tuo suositeltava meditointitapa ei taida olle kaikein helpoin aloitettavaksi, ainakaan yksin, mutta tuonee nopeiten tuloksia, jos vaan jaksaa sinnitellä.

"Gradually feelings, thoughts etc. become more important than whether they are pleasant or not."

"Fill the place better where ye are, and the Lord will open the way."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Viestejä: 3621

« Vastaus #5 : 26.10.2005 18:11:54 »

Tein testin ja elementikseni tuli vesi ja toiseksi tuli tuli  Smiley
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