Suht ok.. keskitasoa parempaa..
You have 7 positive and 13 minor positive aspects. There are 3 difficult and 7 minor negative aspects.
StarMatch and Synastry Aspects
Pluto Sextile Venus 8.1 Mars Trine Moon 7.6
Moon Trine Sun 7.3 Venus Sextile Uranus 7.1
Moon Conjunct Moon 6.7 Ascendant Conjunct Ascendant 6.7
Uranus Trine Jupiter 6.7 Uranus Trine Pluto 6.5
Venus Sextile Mars 6.4 Mercury Trine Jupiter 5.9
Venus Sextile Venus 5.9 Mercury Conjunct Mercury 5.9
Moon Sextile Pluto 5.9 Moon Sextile Mars 5.9
Pluto Sextile Uranus 5.9 Mars Trine Saturn 5.9
Mars Sextile Mars 5.7 Moon Sextile Venus 5.5
Neptune Trine Venus 5.5 Mars Sextile Pluto 5.4
Moon Square Uranus 4.3 Neptune Square Neptune 4.3
Pluto Square Mercury 4.1 Ascendant Square Moon 4.1
Moon Conjunct Saturn 4.1 Jupiter Square Moon 4.1
Uranus Square Venus 4.0 Jupiter Square Saturn 3.3
Venus Square Jupiter 3.3 Uranus Square Uranus -1.0
N's Pluto Sextile m's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 8.1
When Venus, the planet of female love energy, is harmoniously connected with Pluto, planet of spiritual energy, you will feel a deep love towards each other. At its most intense, this love becomes lust. When weaker or more mellow, it becomes a spiritual love. Of course, it may oscillate back and forth between spiritual love and lust, but whatever the momentary nature, this aspect is one of the strongest links between people. Even the weaker sextile will be very noticeable.
N's Mars Trine m's Moon * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 7.6
M's emotional, receptive side (indicated by the Moon), is connected harmoniously with N's active, outgoing side (Mars). M will be attracted to, or have appreciation for N's accomplishments, independence, adventurousness and abilities.
N's Moon Trine m's Sun * Traditional Synastry Aspect Weight = 7.3
The primary energy of the Sun person will be attractive to the Moon person. If the female partner has the Moon this will result in a natural male-female attraction. If the Male partner has the Moon, there will be an attraction of his feminine aspects with the partner's more masculine aspects. This can be helpful for some males who need or desire to bring out their feminine traits.
N's Venus Sextile m's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 7.1
Good sexual chemistry is sure to be present. With the female planet of lovingness at a harmonious sextile with sexy, vitally alive Uranus, you will enjoy social affairs and be a model of love and delight for others.
N's Moon Conjunct m's Moon * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 6.7
The planet of receptivity, intuition, feeling, when conjunct the same in the other, will produce a strong empathy, perhaps to the extent of emotional telepathy at times. You will agree on big and little things and always maintain a strong friendship, no matter what.