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Kirjoittaja Aihe: AP-apua?  (Luettu 4975 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 111

« : 02.10.2007 00:28:10 »

Kun en ymmärrä yhtään, mitä tämä auringonpaluukartta oikeen mulle meinaa - että mistäs pitäis aloittaa?
 venus siellä  mars :iin yhtyy, seksiäkö meinaa - vai ryhmäseksiä, kun on tuolla 11. huoneessa?  Undecided
Olis kiva saada hiukan valoo, jos joku viittii valaista.
Ei niin, että olisin laiska, mut ku ei tää ny vaa aukee.


askendentti vaaka
 aurinko merkurius venus uranus pluto kuu vesta neitsyt
 jupiter juno rapu
 saturnus chiron kalat
 neptunus skorpioni
 mars leijona
Viestejä: 1798

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #1 : 06.10.2007 11:42:04 »


Tässä vähän alkua... englanniksi, sillä kääntäminen on työlästä. Näillä varmasti pääset alkuun, ja tämän tarkempaa on vaikea lähteä tulkitsemaan antamillasi tiedoilla.

Solar Return Ascendant in Virgo
Your mental or intellectual activity will increase considerably this year. Your capacity to analyze and your attention to detail will be greater. You may feel the desire to study something new, or improve the way you do your present work. You may get more interested in service projects which improve the lives of others. You may concentrate on helping those around you by solving problems, distributing information on health issues, or getting involved in environmental concerns. It's important for you not to neglect your own interests. However, you will find that, in one way or another, the things you do for the benefit of others will bear fruit for you in the future.

You could get so engrossed in your work that you lose yourself in details. Having a practical outlook is the key to finding good solutions. Don't spend too much time unnecessarily analyzing data and avoid wasting time on unimportant things. Deal only once with matters that you have to attend to. Then come to a conclusion and don't turn back again to analyze the topic in question. This only wastes a lot of time, entangles you in your own thoughts and has an immobilizing effect on you. If by nature you are less than meticulous in your work, you may find it easier to organize your thoughts and your work this year. If you are already very detailed and analytical, you should try to take time for some kind of physical activity so that you can remain more balanced between mind and body.

You could become less inclined toward a lot of social activity and be more drawn in and thoughtful. However, it is not good to be too reclusive and isolate yourself too much. This would give you too much time for self-criticism and dissatisfaction. You should see that you have a balance again between work and play.

Physically, you could be more nervous than usual which could result in intestinal disorders or other illnesses caused by nervous tension. It could also cause insomnia, brought on by too much mental work and excessive worry. It would be advisable to practice techniques such as Yoga to calm and focus the body and the mind. Highly competitive activities should be avoided if possible. You also should maintain a balanced diet of foods that are easy to digest. You will be inclined to want to improve your body and your health this year. It will come naturally to you now, and it would be a good time to go on a diet, if you feel you need to. You could benefit by boning up on subjects such as nutrition and the various kinds of alternate medicine that are available to you. Good health is one of the themes for this year.

During this period you may come in contact with intuitive and sensitive people who will share with you their hunches and visions of things to come. It would be wise for you to listen to what they say to you if you believe they might be relevant and true for you. Examine them carefully and determine their value. But, on the other hand, don't accept everything you hear without question. Be discerning and evaluate everything.

You will find yourself being more cautious and critical in your relationships. Things that never used to bother you will now become issues for you. You may not see your partner as clearly as before. You may find Pisces natives entering your life this year. Although you will find them appealing, you could also be annoyed by their emotional approach. And you may find them too dreamy and impractical for your Virgoan thinking.

In Virgo, focus is on your work, your habits, your health, and your routines. It may be a rather unspectacular year--a year when you may be caught up in making adjustments to your life and/or worrying about problems. It can be a rather mundane year (unless your Sun or Ascendant is Virgo natally), but one that is quite busy. You may feel like you are doing a lot of preparing but don't exactly know what it is you are preparing for. Mercury's placement can provide some clues as to which areas of life require adjustments.

Solar Return Ascendant in natal 12th house
You could be mainly interested in the study of metaphysics and in developing your intuition.

During this year, you could experience strong limitations on your freedom, brought about by your past mistakes. The same could apply to problems with health that require rest or confinement and to other problems you encounter with secret enemies who are opposed to your progress. During this period you will have to deal with karmic debts that influence the progress of your spiritual evolution. These tests will be difficult to overcome, and it will be necessary on your part to remain positive and not allow yourself to feel defeated.

Solar Return Moon in Scorpio

Your emotions are intense but controlled this year. You may feel somewhat like a warrior on an emotional level, able to handle problems perhaps better than ever. You are not as given to quick emotional reactions. Rather, you can sit back, watch, and wait. You are likely to be particularly perceptive when it comes to sizing up people and situations.

Sun in the 12th house
This tends to be a behind-the-scenes year for many. You might not get the recognition you would like or think you deserve. But it could be just too soon. If you wait, things can turn around. This is a time for the one-year project. What you are attempting to do might not be ready for review for a year. Development can take that long, so work quietly for the time being. When the Sun is in the 12th, you tend to have more of a closet personality. The demands of others can be overwhelming, especially if you are drawn to those who are sick or needing assistance. Make sure the people you attempt to help want to be helped, otherwise you will fall prey to savior/victim syndrome. Most of all, this is a time for reflection, meditation, integration, and organization. If you allow your mind to become too unstructured and unfocused, you could experience anxiety.

Viestejä: 111

« Vastaus #2 : 06.10.2007 14:17:07 »

Kiitos! Ei niin kiinnostais tuo alituinen työnteko, olis kyllä kivempi vaihteeks päästää vapaalle. Tuntuu siltä, et toi toisten ihmisten hyvinvoinnin edistäminen senkun jatkuu vaan. Voi kun toi Uranus olis sekottanu pakkaa vähän enemmän vielä.

askendentti vaaka
 aurinko merkurius venus uranus pluto kuu vesta neitsyt
 jupiter juno rapu
 saturnus chiron kalat
 neptunus skorpioni
 mars leijona
Viestejä: 1798

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #3 : 06.10.2007 14:39:46 »

Onhan sinulla  kuunsolmu 6. huoneessa  kalat ja sen hallitsija  neptunus 5. huoneessa, kun lisäksi AP -6. huoneen kärki on radixin 5. huoneessa - voisi viitata kevennykseen tai ainakin että tavoitteena on keventää puurtamista...

Muutoksen tuoja  pluto on 4. huoneessa ja sen vastapiste sijaitsee  rapu merkissä, joten muutos voisikin tulla kotiin ja kiinteään omaisuuteen liittyvissä asioissa.

Viestejä: 111

« Vastaus #4 : 06.10.2007 15:50:57 »

No, koti ja kiinteä omaisuus on jo muutoksen kourissa lähinnä avioeron takia. Samasta syystä taloudellisessa tilanteessa on pikkuisen huonompi tilanne kuin normaalisti. Tarkoitus olisi saada sisäremontoitua itseasiassa kaksikin kämppää, jotta hommat alkais sujua.
Mistä näkis mitä parisuhderintamalle muuten kuuluu ja mitä chiron mahtaa tuoda AP-kartalle?

askendentti vaaka
 aurinko merkurius venus uranus pluto kuu vesta neitsyt
 jupiter juno rapu
 saturnus chiron kalat
 neptunus skorpioni
 mars leijona
Viestejä: 111

« Vastaus #5 : 12.10.2007 17:54:31 »

Onhan sinulla  kuunsolmu 6. huoneessa  kalat ja sen hallitsija  neptunus 5. huoneessa, kun lisäksi AP -6. huoneen kärki on radixin 5. huoneessa - voisi viitata kevennykseen tai ainakin että tavoitteena on keventää puurtamista...

Hei! Nyt tajusin, et työ (6.) vois mennä vähän niin kuin leikki (5.)  Smiley
...toivottavasti en nyt jää pelkästään haaveksimaan  neptunus
...eikä aikomus ainakaan ole jäädä kotiin - jollen sitten tee työtä kotona ja lapset hoidossa.

askendentti vaaka
 aurinko merkurius venus uranus pluto kuu vesta neitsyt
 jupiter juno rapu
 saturnus chiron kalat
 neptunus skorpioni
 mars leijona
Sivuja: [1]