En osaa muuta sanoa kuin, että minulle tuli intuitiivisesti mieleen sana Atlantis ja manna kun luin untasi. : Onkohan näistä sanoista sinulle mitään apua unesi "avaamiseen"... Manna
Raamatun maasta kerätty manna lienee ollut mannatamariskin (tai jonkin toisen kasvin) öisin tihkuvaa sokerieritettä, mannajäkälää tai kilpikirvojen mesikastetta [1].
Mannalla voidaan tarkoittaa myös Välimeren alueella kasvavan mannasaarnen ja sen lähisukulaisten kovettuvaa mahlaa, jossa on runsaasti mannitolia eli heksoosisokerista syntynyttä sokerialkoholia.
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Not to be confused with the rune Mannaz.
For other uses, see Mana (disambiguation).
Manna (sometimes or archaically spelt mana), (Hebrew: מָן) is the name of a food which, according to the Bible, was eaten by the Israelites during their travels in the desert; until they reached Canaan, the Israelites are implied by some passages in the Bible to have eaten only manna during their desert sojourn,[1] despite the availability of milk and meat from the livestock with which they traveled, and the references to provisions of fine flour, oil, and meat, in later parts of the journey's narrative.[2] The manna is also briefly mentioned in the Qur'an, with the Sura of the Cow,[3] Sura of the Heights,[4] and Sura of the Flattening,[5] mentioning the divine supply of manna as one of the miracles with which the Israelites were favoured; these passages only describe manna as being good things which have been provided ... as sustenance.[6]