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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Etelä-amerikkalaiset sikainnostuneita jooko(?)lennosta?  (Luettu 2710 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8259

« : 07.10.2009 00:29:37 »

6 October 2009

Two extraordinary address by

Raja Hagelin (kanttivyysikko John Hagelin)

from the Native American conference, bringing out the mechanics of how native peoples hold the connection with the local laws of nature, and its importance for the nation.

Raja Luis

 splashed a wide screen of brilliant advances: A conference this week with Father Gabriel Mejia and 1,500 experts; three CBE schools starting with Father Mejia's colleges; A Peace Colony started on Victory Day in Bolivia for 5,000 Vastu houses and all the children will attend CBE and be Yogic Flyers; The Brazilian government is inviting all top scientists, business people, government, to a big celebration for the start of the government-sponsored programme of TM in Rio schools; Completion of the MAV Doctor's course run by Dr Walter Moelk, has generated a huge wave of enthusiasm; Many mayors are contacting from the Mayors' Conference, more invitations to address mayors; Mayor Julio Pereiera is starting a big Peace Colony with Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, and MORE. ...


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