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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Doubutsu Uranai-horoskooppi (englanniksi)  (Luettu 5012 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 5323

« : 20.05.2011 18:13:19 »

Innokkaat ja uteliaat voivat käydä kurkkaamassa itselleen japanilaisen horoshoopin eli Doubutsu Uranain. Doubutsu Uranai on ollut osaltaan vaikuttamassa Charanavi-horoskooppeihin, eli jos tiedät oman Charanavisi, saat Doubutsu Uranaista siihen hiukan syvennystä.

Sivustolla voi tutustua myös yleisesti eri merkkien ominaisuuksiin klikkaamalla etusivulla olevia eläinhahmojen kuvia, sekä katsella mihin elementtiryhmään ja toimintaryhmään kukin eläinlaji kuuluu. Pidän itse suuresti sekä Doubustu Uranaista että Charanavista Smiley

Doubutsu Uranai-horoskooppi

Aloitan ketjun omalla tulkinnallani:

You are Gold Raccoon, who display an easy outlook, and are very graceful.
You give an impression of typical traditional Japanese women.
You are always quiet, and will not speak out your thoughts openly.
Your modesty and gracefulness will avoid friction, and will be able to make the harsh atmosphere turn friendly.
You tend to forget things easily and make easy promises.
But your cheerful and active character pays for those weak points.
It may be a good idea if you take notes.
You don't think things seriously, and people may think you to be too indifferent.
This may be a good thing to do sometimes, but it may also result in you losing important things and people.
But once you set an objective, your concentration is amazing.
Once you start on something, you will accomplish the goal no matter what.
Unlike your pretty atmosphere, in real life, you are very active person, and although you may look sensitive, you have great nerve and guts.
You also possess observing eyes towards people, and have great talent and know how to get on in life.
You act as though you are weak towards men, but really you are the one manipulating them successfully.
You are likely to make your husband a dominating one.
You are more interested in your career than your love life.
But once you fall in love, you get extremely passionate, and will attack with all your heart and mind and strength.
After getting married, you will put all your energy into your family.
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 47

« Vastaus #1 : 22.05.2011 14:36:57 »

Hmm.mielenkiintoista. En olekaan koskaan kuullut tällaisesta Smiley
Itse sain seuraavan tulkinnan:

You are Black Panther, who can show rich affection and possess warm motherly tenderness.
You are not cautious person, and are passionate enough to express yourself openly to lead life.
You tend to be hard on yourself, but are kind and devoted to other people.
You prefer to have a career, and play an active part in the society.
You possess strong self-confidence and beliefs.
You put your passing ideas immediately into action.
Therefore you give an impression of daring and person with strong driving force.
You don't bargain so much, and the way in which you act according to your instinct and passion gives feminine attraction.
You use your endless dreams as driving force.
Once you decide on something, you are extremely determined to complete it, and don't care about the public opinions.
It may be good for you to have some kind of modesty and self-examination.
You have great artistic and beauty sense.
You may be suited to have a career as a fashion designer or interior coordinator.
You tend to please everyone besides your family.
Towards your own family, you are hard and nagging.
When you get married you will turn out as a wife who takes control of the household.

Minua hieman naurattaa,kun tuntuu jotenkin niin sopivan nuo kaikki kohdat  Grin Tuo on vähän niin kuin tiivistelmä länsimaisesta kartastani ja siitä miten itse koen itseni.

Trooppinen aurinko vesimies, kuu oinas, askendentti skorpioni
Sideerinen aurinko vesimies, kuu kalat, askendentti vaaka

Kiinalainen Metallivuohi,puupuhvelin egolla
Sininen Solaarinen Yö
Viestejä: 872

Lunar Leo - GROARRR!!!

« Vastaus #2 : 25.05.2011 22:12:42 »

You are Blue Panther, who is cheerful, lively and light hearted person.
You can keep reason and emotion at a good balance.
You are gentle and peaceful too.
You have deep and wide relationships with people, and there are some whom you would have a long relationship with.
You possess fashionable sense and are well dressed that make people turn around in the street.
You are not good at objective way of thinking.
You rely on your preferences, and the instinct of that moment.
Therefore you cannot accumulate plans.
You are also weak on making quick solutions and coming out with conclusions through careful and strict analysis.
You tend to not be able to find your life objective.
You find your objective through the situation you are in, and by the support of the people around you.
This makes your life divide into two sections, and there may be a possibility that you may lead a totally different life.
You are extremely sensitive and possess natural sense of instinct.
You think too much about people's opinion, and are always feeling unsettled.
You are a romantic sort of person in that you lead your life according to your beliefs rather than depending on talent and capability.
Even after you get married, you should keep your career that requires your good fashion sense.
You will be a good but rather obstinate wife and a mother.

Aurinko 10-Merkurius 11-Venus 11-Uranus 10-Neptunus 11-Pallas 10-Ceres 11 Jousimies
Kuu 7 Leijona
Mars 1-Juno 1-Lilith 1 Kauris
Jupiter 9-Saturnus 8 Skorpioni
Pluto 8 Vaaka
Chiron 3 Härkä
Vesta 1 Vesimies
Vertex 7-PF 7 Neitsyt
Noususolmu 6 Rapu
AC Kauris (DC Rapu)
MC Jousimies (IC Kaksonen
Sivuja: [1]