Sivuja: [1]
Kirjoittaja Aihe: [Enkku] Heng. harj. lämpimänä pysymiseksi, osa 1  (Luettu 3185 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8253

« : 08.01.2012 17:32:31 »

Cyril Henry Hoskin'in a.k.a. Lobsang Rampa'n kirjasta Wisdom of the Ancients:


Here is an exercise that enables one to keep warm in cold weather.
It is something much practiced in Tibet where a lama can sit unclothed
on ice, and even melt ice around him and dry off wet blankets draped
around his shoulders.

Here's how you do it. Sit comfortably ... and make sure that you
really ARE sitting with your spine upright. You must have no
tensions or pressing worries for the moment. Close your eyes, and
think of yourself saying, 'OM, OM, OM', telepathically.

Close your left nostril, and take us much air as you can through
the right nostril. Then close the right (your thumb is the best
for this because it is the most convenient), and retain the breath
by pressing your chin hard against your chest, bring your chin up
close to your neck.

Hold your breath for a time, and then gradually exhale through
the left nostril by closing the right nostril (again the thumb is
easiest here).

« Viimeksi muokattu: 08.01.2012 23:51:36 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #1 : 10.01.2012 15:01:05 »

Cyril Henry Hoskin'in a.k.a. Lobsang Rampa'n kirjasta Wisdom of the Ancients:


Here is an exercise that enables one to keep warm in cold weather.
It is something much practiced in Tibet where a lama can sit unclothed
on ice, and even melt ice around him and dry off wet blankets draped
around his shoulders.

Here's how you do it. Sit comfortably ... and make sure that you
really ARE sitting with your spine upright. You must have no
tensions or pressing worries for the moment. Close your eyes, and
think of yourself saying, 'OM, OM, OM', telepathically.

Close your left nostril, and take us much air as you can through
the right nostril. Then close the right (your thumb is the best
for this because it is the most convenient), and retain the breath
by pressing your chin hard against your chest, bring your chin up
close to your neck.

Hold your breath for a time, and then gradually exhale through
the left nostril by closing the right nostril (again the thumb is
easiest here).


Careful note -- in this particular exercise one always breathes in through the right
nostril, and always breathes out through the left nostril.

You should do this from a start of ten breathings, during which you gradually increase
the time of breath retention, up to some fifty times, but you must increase your breath
retention very gradually, there is no need to rush, and while on the subject here is
a little note which may free you from worry: when you have been doing it for some
time, and you are doing it with deep breath retention, you may find that you perspire
from the roots of the hair. That is perfectly safe, perfectly normal, and really does
increase the health and cleanliness of the boy.
Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #2 : 21.01.2012 22:39:08 »

Cyril Henry Hoskin'in a.k.a. Lobsang Rampa'n kirjasta Wisdom of the Ancients:


Here is an exercise that enables one to keep warm in cold weather.
It is something much practiced in Tibet where a lama can sit unclothed
on ice, and even melt ice around him and dry off wet blankets draped
around his shoulders.

Here's how you do it. Sit comfortably ... and make sure that you
really ARE sitting with your spine upright. You must have no
tensions or pressing worries for the moment. Close your eyes, and
think of yourself saying, 'OM, OM, OM', telepathically.

Close your left nostril, and take us much air as you can through
the right nostril. Then close the right (your thumb is the best
for this because it is the most convenient), and retain the breath
by pressing your chin hard against your chest, bring your chin up
close to your neck.

Hold your breath for a time, and then gradually exhale through
the left nostril by closing the right nostril (again the thumb is
easiest here).


Careful note -- in this particular exercise one always breathes in through the right
nostril, and always breathes out through the left nostril.

You should do this from a start of ten breathings, during which you gradually increase
the time of breath retention, up to some fifty times, but you must increase your breath
retention very gradually, there is no need to rush, and while on the subject here is
a little note which may free you from worry: when you have been doing it for some
time, and you are doing it with deep breath retention, you may find that you perspire
from the roots of the hair. That is perfectly safe, perfectly normal, and really does
increase the health and cleanliness of the boy.

Mahtaakohan tuo perustua siihen, että se aktivoi(?) pin.gala-naaDii'ta [ping-gala-naadii?]?

In addition to the seven chakras of the subtle body, the Tantras
have described a network of subtle channels known as Nadis.
According to the tantric treatise Shiva Samhita, there are
fourteen principal nadis. Of these, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna
are considered the most important.
Ida is the left channel. Ida is white, feminine, cold, represents
the moon and is associated with the river Ganga (Ganges).
Originating in Muladhara, Ida ends up in the left nostril.

Pingala is the right channel. Pingala is red, masculine, hot,
represents the sun and is associated with the river Yamuna.

Originating in Muladhara, Pingala ends up in the right nostril.
Sushumna is the central channel and is associated with
the river Saraswati. Running up the body from just below
Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head.

Sivuja: [1]