Tässä 3-osaisessa videossa käsitellään synkronisiteettia, synkromystiikkaa, arkkityyppejä ja todellisuuden rakennetta energia-matriisin muodossa. Videoilla kerron omia näkemyksiäni näistä aihealueista. Luvassa siis mielenkiintoista informaatiota ja pohdintaa. Synkronisiteetti, Synkromystiikka, Arkkityypit, Energia-Matriisi
http://tietoisuudenlaajentuminen.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/1358Synkronisiteetti, Synkromystiikka, Arkkityypit, Energia-Matriisi – Osa 1-3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWdYO146QfkSynkronisiteetti, Synkromystiikka, Arkkityypit, Energia-Matriisi – Osa 2-3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPbhkDmCTeQSynkronisiteetti, Synkromystiikka, Arkkityypit, Energia-Matriisi – Osa 3-3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CieSJ79j724 Synchromysticism is a portmanteau of the words “synchronicity” and “mysticism.” A Synchronicity is a coincidence with meaning which is usually far less likely to occur naturally than typical coincidences. An observance of synchronicity is often coupled with a recent moment of personal enlightenment or great insight. A shift in consciousness of perceived reality will usually determine ones ability to see an increased number of synchronicities.
The synchromystic world-view is that every-Thing in the universe is connected. All symbols have multiple layers of information, histories, and interpretations. Given enough time and information, eventually all symbols, themes and ideas will be found to contain information about all the others so that each piece of the puzzle becomes holographic in nature; meaning that by focusing on one idea, all others can potentially be expressed.
If one is familiar with the Eastern philosophic idea that “all is One,” then synchromysticism allows a person to prove it for themselves through active involvement with synchronicity not only in the media saturated world around them, but also in their personal lives. Synchromysticism can be used to decode meaning in situations where that meaning may not have been implied or even originally intended. It has also been used by some in an attempt to foresee future events.
Ajatonhenki: Synkronisiteetti ja Synkromystiikka – Playlist
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF58B21475086910E Dr. Kirby Surprise ~ TMRN 2012 05 ~ 25 Time Monk Radio Interviews Present
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-iMw9KA93U Chris Knowles – Our Gods Wear Spandex: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes
http://www.amazon.com/Our-Gods-Wear-Spandex-History/dp/1578634067 Secret Sun Blogi
http://secretsun.blogspot.com Synkromystiikka Foorumi