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Kirjoittaja Aihe: [enkku] Meditaatiotekniikoiden vertailua  (Luettu 2642 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 2 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8258

« : 03.06.2012 09:36:05 »

Mikäli tuon oikein ymmärsin, kaikissa muissa allamainituissa meditaatiotekniikoissa
paitsi TM:ssä (transsendenttisessa meditaatiossa) aivoaaltojen
koherenssi oli *vähäisempää* meditaation aikana kuin levon aikana!


ll significant differences (corrected for multiple testing) between meditation
compared to no-task rest before and after meditation showed lower coherence
during meditation, in all five traditions and eight (inhibitory as well as
excitatory) frequency bands.

"all five traditions" = experienced meditators (13 Tibetan Buddhists, 15 QiGong,
14 Sahaja Yoga, 14 Ananda Marga Yoga, 15 Zen)

"Note that all significant cases had lower coherence during meditation than

as opposed to:\

"Compared to rest periods the practice of TM produced an increase in alpha phase
synchrony primarily between anterior and posterior regions."

"he dominant pattern in some long-term TM practitioners was a zero-lag condition
over the whole cortex without a nodal line of phase reversal in the middle. This
means that 􏰂 every 50 ms the whole cortex reverses polarity (Fig. 4).
These global zero-lag events accounted for the results of the study that showed
an increase Aâ€"P phase synchrony (a decrease in phase time lag) during TM. A
condition of zero-lag over the whole cortex suggests an open-end standing wave
that results from two perfectly timed waves of the same frequency traveling in
opposite directions.
This kind of wave is not structured through reverberation."
« Viimeksi muokattu: 03.06.2012 09:39:57 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
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