Ns. joogalentosuutra (aakaasha-gamanam: aakaashaan-meno) on useimmissa(?) laitoksissa III 42:
कायाकाशयोः संबन्धसंयमाल्लघुतूलसमापत्तेश्चाकाशगमनम्॥४२॥
kaayaakaashayoH saMbandhasaMyamaallaghutUlasamaapatteshchaakaashagamanam
aakaashajoos sambandha-sañjamaal laghu-tuula-samaapatteesh tsha
Henk. koht. näkemykseni on, että seuraava suutra kuvaa sitä kokemusta/fiilistä (mahaa-videehaa: suuri ruumiittomuus, tjsp.), joka kumpuaa lentosuutran harjoittamisesta. Seuraavien käännöksien perusteella minusta tuntuu, että tämä suutra on kääntäjille
ja kommentaattoreille erityisen hämmentävä; sevverta toisistaan poikkeavilta käännökset ainakin meitsistä tuntuvat.
(Voin myöhemmin lisätä muutaman muun käännöksen, jos siltä tuntuu...)
Sutra III.43
बहिरकल्पिता वृत्तिर्महाविदेहा ततः प्रकाशावरणक्षयः॥४३॥
bahirakalpitaa vRttirmahaavidehaa tataH prakaashaavaraNakSayaH
(bahir-akalpitaa vrittir-mahaa-videehaa; tataf prakaasha-
When The Unimagined Conception Can Be Held Outside, i.e. Unconnected With The Body, It Is Called Mahavideha Or The Great Discarnate. By Samyam On That The Veil Over The Illumination (Of Buddhisattva) Is Removed.
[IT]: (44):
The power of contacting the state of consciousness which is outside the intellect and is therefore inconceivable is called Maha-videha. From it is destroyed the covering of light.
The non-imaginary (actual) external vrtti activity (defining citta) is the great out-of-body state. From that, the dispersing of the covering of light.
The turning of thought without reference to the external world is called “the great disembodied thought”; from which this veil that obscures the light is destroyed.
[SS]: (44):
By samyama on thought waves unidentified by and external to the body [maha-videha, or the great bodilessness], the veil over the light of the Self is destroyed.
(44) By making samyama on the thought-waves of the mind when it is separated from the body—the state known as the Great Disincarnation–all coverings can be removed from the light of knowledge.
[SV]: (44):
By making Samyama on the real modifications of the mind, which are outside, called great disembodiness, comes disappearance of the covering to light.