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« Vastaus #15 : 09.02.2017 20:03:28 » |
Näin välihuomautuksena todettakoon, että yoga on perin hämmentävä sana. Sen juuriverbi (dhaatu) on yuj: 2 yuj, yunakti, yuGkta, yujate 1 & {yuJjati, -te} pp. {yukta3} (q.v.) [[,]] yoke, harness (of waggon and steed); make ready, fit out, prepare, arrange, set to work (P. refl.); apply, use, fasten or fix on put or place ({dhuri} at the head lit. at the thill), turn or direct (esp. the mind) upon (loc.); ({yogam}) be intent on, meditate (also M.); appoint, institute; bid, order, enjoin; unite, connect, join with (instr.); P. M. cling to, adhere, marry; A. present or furnish with (acc. of pers. & instr. of th., or loc. gen. of pers. & acc. of th.); M. become possessed of (acc.); P. the same (instr. {ńsaha}) or fall to one's (gen.) share or lot, be fit or suitable for (loc., gen. or instr.), be proper or right. C. {yojayati -te} yoke, harness, fit out, array; use, employ, undertake, begin; appoint to or charge with (loc.), fasten, fix (esp. the mind) or place on (loc.); unite, connect, furnish, endow with (instr.). D. {yuyukSati} wish to lay on or to appoint. -
yoga m. yoking, harnessing, drive, yoke, team; fitting out (an. army), fixing (an arrow); setting to work, use, application; means, expedient, trick, stratagem, art, fraud, deceit, magic, charm; enterprise, work; union, combination, relation, contact with (instr. {ńsaha} or ---); conjunction (of stars); pursuit, acquisition, property; succession, order, fitness, propriety; effort, endeavour, zeal, attention; collection or concentration of the mind, meditation. contemplation, N. of a phil. system; etymology & etym. meaning of a word, grammatical construction, rule or aphorism (g.). --Instr. & abl. in the right way, as is proper, according to, by means or in consequence of (---).
Samaa kantaa oleva sana saMyoga (sañjooga/~sajjooga) on keskeinen käsite suutrassa joka kuvaa sitä, mikä on perustana sille, että valaistuminen eli puruSan tiedostaminen 24/7 täysin erilliseksi prakRtista kokemuksellisesti - ei siis pelkästään älyllisesti - on niin perin kinkkistä, että saattaa ottaa tsiljoonia vuosia kun yksilö kehittyessään yksisoluisesta entiteetistä esim. Homo sapienkseksi samalla käy läpi erittäin hitaasti etenevää tietoisuuden kehittymistä kohti em. distinkshönin tekemistä (taisi tulla perin anakoluuttinen virkehirviö...) ![crazy2]( Sutra II.23 स्वस्वामिशक्त्योः स्वरूपोपलब्धिहेतुः संयोगः॥२३॥ svasvaamishaktyoH svarUpopalabdhihetuH saMyogaH sva-svaami-shaktjoos sva-ruupoopalabdhi[sva-ruupa-upalabdhi]-heetus sañjoogahaa [HA]: Alliance Is The Means Of Realising The True Nature Of The Object Of the Knower And Of The Owner, The Knower (i.e. The Sort Of Alliance Which Contributes To The Realisation Of The Seer And The Seen Is This Relationship)
[IT]: The purpose of the coming together of the Purusa and Prakrti is gaining by the Purusa of the awareness of his true nature and the unfoldment of powers inherent in him and the Prakrti.
[VH]: [BM]: [SS]: The union of Owner (Purusha; svaami?) and owned (Prakriti; sva) causes the recognition of the nature and powers of them both.
[SP]: The Atman—the experiencer—is identified with Prakriti—the object of experience–in order that the true nature of both Prakriti and Atman may be known.
[SV]: Junction is the cause of the realisation of the nature of both the powers, the experienced and its Lord.