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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Pakolaisen kartta  (Luettu 8700 kertaa)
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Viestejä: 17

« : 01.06.2017 19:37:56 »

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« Viimeksi muokattu: 22.07.2018 02:45:13 kirjoittanut Pilviliina » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #1 : 02.06.2017 11:23:28 »'issa voi tehdä mm. Liz Greene'in Psykoloogisen Horoskoopin Näyteversion.

Tässäpä siitä sämppeli em. henkilön kyseessä ollen:

Free Try-Out Edition
for "Ali al-Mosuli" , born on 22 August 1991
Text by Liz Greene, Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2017

I. Introduction
This is a short extract from Liz Greene's Psychological Horoscope Analysis. The complete report of 18-25 pages can be ordered as an E-Horoscope or a bound booklet in the Astroshop.
This horoscope analysis - using the insights of astrology and psychology combined with the tools of advanced computer technology - offers you an astrological portrait which is uniquely and individually focussed and which aims at providing greater self-knowledge.
II. Your Psychological Type
This short chapter describes your typical or characteristic way of responding to situations in life.
The rich array of individual attributes portrayed in your birth horoscope is set, as it is with everyone, against the backdrop of a certain temperament bias. We might call this bias your psychological "type".
There is a quality of great tension and power to your personality, because you live with a constant inner conflict. You are an intensely physical person, with considerable sensual appetites and a strong need for material achievement. Yet at the same time you are an idealist and a romantic, constantly pursuing an inner vision of some glorious world in which the characters out of fairy tales come alive and in which you are the bearer of a unique and divinely inspired destiny. These two extremes
III. Character and Shadow
In this comprehensive chapter of the Psychological Horoscope Liz Greene provides valuable insights about your essential character traits.
The interplay between the conscious and unconscious sides of you is a constantly shifting dance, changing at different stages of your life and altering according to the pressures and challenges which you encounter. The tension between the primary characters in your inner drama is the source of energy which provides your life with movement, purpose, conflict and growth.
[..] In a crisis or emergency you can be practical enough, and somehow your survival instincts inevitably attract to you precisely the right people and situations to help you cope - although you would disclaim any responsibility for this, preferring to believe that it is just [...]
[..] Never mind if you are sometimes a little mannered, stylised and not always true to your real and immediate feelings in how you express love; it matters to you that courtesy, charm and kindness are always present. If they are not, you are quite capable of moving elsewhere, [...]
Hidden traits
[..] This hidden shadow-side of you comprises all those qualities which belong to you but which you have excluded from your conscious values and behaviour in order to retain your romantic vision of life. Despite your capacity to bounce back from hurts and disappointments with [...]
A minor character
[..] Everyone is worthwhile to you on some level and you enjoy meeting all kinds of people in all sorts of situations - on trains and planes, in cafes and restaurants, and wherever a few exchanges of ordinary conversation convey to you the experience that you have a relationship [...]
IV. The Family Background
In the complete horoscope analysis, this chapter deals with your family myths as well as with your perception of your parents and their relationship.
Although you are an individual, you have emerged from a family background. Thus you contain certain inner patterns, myths and attitudes toward life which you have acquired from the psychological soil of this background.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 02.06.2017 11:44:04 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Sivuja: [1]