Sivuja: [1]
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Astrologiset aikakaudet ja historia  (Luettu 3797 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 103

« : 22.01.2019 21:22:40 »

Etsiskelin informaatiota mahdollisista astrologisista samankaltaisuuksista nykyajan ja maailmansotia edeltäneiden vuosien kesken, mutta löysin hieman muuta. Joku Robert Fitzgerald on kaivellut historiaa ja tulkinnut sen noudattavan astrologisia vaikutuksia. Tiedä tuosta mutta hänen vuonna 2009 kirjoittamansa visio vuosille 2010-2025 olisi aika lailla kohdallaan.

... The fallout from the current financial crisis could lead to mass movements of people seeking stability or prosperity in their lives. Gemini periods in the past have traditionally supported mass movements of people, and this period should be no different, even without the crisis worsening. We can compare the potential for this Gemini period with the two Gemini Eras of the Ages of Pisces and Aries. During these times, the Germanic invasions, between 360 and 540, eventually brought down the mighty Roman Empire, and before that the Indo-European invasions, between 1800 BC and 1620 BC, brought havoc to the Mediterranean nations and the Indus civilisation in India. The Gemini Phase of the Aquarius Era, 1830 to 1845, was also a period of intense westward movement in the US that actually began in Eastern Europe.

Because this Gemini time will take place within the dissolving energy of the Pisces Era within the Age of Pisces, these movements will have the potential for creating social and political disruption that can overwhelm the cohesiveness of local and national communities. Cultural as well as ideological differences will be thrust against each other, creating potential arguments and divisions within groups and communities.

Local and national politics will become more partisan and divisive as people choose ideological sides and passionately fight for them, while being unwilling to compromise. The present separation of Church and state may become more politically charged, with fundamental ideals aligning themselves against secular liberal ideals. The war on terror could escalate to become a more ideologically charged battle, polarising various predominant camps of thought such as fundamentalist Islam against fundamentalist Judeo-Christian religions and modern Western secular liberal thinking.

This tendency for division and argument could include our economic situation. There could be a greater tendency for an internal social division as the gap between rich and poor widens. The present economic crisis could speed up the already growing rift between rich and poor, creating further division within our culture. It will also potentially change our present focus on consumerism, altering the ways that we look at our economy.

The positive side of this phase, if we can access that potential, is the possibility of collecting and integrating all the various ideologies that divide our world into a new and more inclusive paradigm that can help lead us into the Age of Aquarius. There will be an increase of new ideas that may create arguments and divisiveness when set against traditional ideas. Science will be confronted with an ideological need to include some sense of intelligent design into its purely secular ideas based on the current concept of chance and accidental evolution. These ideas can also advance our knowledge if we choose to keep an open mind. New ideas can bring new life to old dogmatic ways of thinking.

Että miksikö sitten etsin kerrottuja samankaltaisuuksia? Syynä ovat toisaalta etnisten ryhmien stereotyyppinen mustamaalaus (joka ei ole tälläkään foorumilla tuntematon ilmiö) ja toisaalta useat selvänäkijöiden annustukset.
Viestejä: 1262


« Vastaus #1 : 24.01.2019 08:38:01 »

Nää on kuin tilattuja tutkimuksia: nollatulos koska maksaja haluaa tietyn lopputuloksen, olipa siinä perää tai ei.

Kuuntele tuulta.
Sivuja: [1]