! Ihan meni ihon kanan lihalle!
If R-space is invisible, how does Tiller know it’s there? He said he has discovered a type of particle he calls a deltron that acts as a coupling substance between D-space and R-space. When the deltrons are active, and D-space and R-space are in a coupled state, he is able to use traditional measurement instruments to detect R-space.
According to Tiller,
human intention is able to create this coupled state.(Patañjali ilmeisesti oli tietoinen tuosta laatiessaan yoga-suutriaan, erityisesti kolmatta osaa,
joka käsittelee siddhejä, kuten joogalento* ja näkymättömäksi tuleminen?)
Psychoenergetic phenomena linger on the fringe of science, but Tiller has been undeterred in his decades-long research into the power of human intention.
He told Epoch Times in an interview last year, “There are thousands of people over the last 150 years who have done such remarkable things that are put in the category of parapsychology, which orthodox science has wanted to sweep under the rug, because the results are not internally consistent with their results.”
* Joogalennossa keskitytään kehon ja aakaashan väliseen suhteeseen. Ilmeisesti keho edustaa D-avaruutta ja aakaasha R-avaruutta.
Niiden keskinäiseen suhteeseen keskittyminen koplaa ne siten että kehossa korostuu materian aaltoluonne, ja sen värähtelytaso
nousee eksponentiaalisesti??