Itse kokisin niin, että henkilöt jotka HALUAVAT tehdä reikiä, tms saattavat ehkä kokea muutoksia kehossaan. Mutta missä ja kenessä muussa duunarissa ja julkkiksessa näkyy tämä rakkauskeho ja valokeho ja muu mitä me kuulema olemme saaneet, vai puuttuuko minulta röntgenkatse.
Valokehon tuleminen näkyy siinä että henkilöstä tulee mm. kuolematon, ei enää vanhene, ei tarvitse unta, on sairauksista vapaa,..
Kyllä todellisen valokehon saavuttamiseksi on itse puhdistauduttava. Ei se ole vain rahalla ostettava vihkimys. Ostetut ovat vain illuusiota.
Ennemmin näkisin kadulla pimeyskehon tulemista.
A breatharian is someone who gets all of their nourishment from air and light(love). A few thousand strong, worldwide, they are forerunners of what all of us will one day become -an immortal and self-sustaining humanity. When you stop polluting your body with food and drink a cleansing and healing process takes place restoring you from the animal state(anything that eats or has sex) to your original divine or angelic state(non-eating/non-copulating). In this pristine and higher vibratory state, all of your powers are augmented tenfold, and you become a superhumam; your thought processes become computer-like, your psychic senses unfold, and you will have enough strength to lift ten times your own weight. You will require little or no sleep and will easily resist extremes in temperature. You will never get sick and will have stopped or even reversed the aging process. Perhaps best of all, you will always be happy and confident and clear as to who you are or where you are going in life. While not everyone can become a breatharian just yet, it will become an increasing trend in this 21st century. Breatharians can do it all! Important note: Never try to become a breatharian in a cold, polluted, or negative environment, or if you are on medication, or are seriously handicapped or limited in some way.
You're body is constantly regenerating itself, so why does it age or break down? At some point, the overload becomes too much and your body can't handle it anymore; too much food, too much drink, too much work, etc. Everythimg has its limits and your body is no exception, unfortunately, your mind and spirit do not see it that way. We think and feel we are immortal and indestructible, and in a way we are, but our bad habits catch up with us, and by the time we are in our thirties and forties their is a noticeable decline in our energy and health. This is because every day of every year we are accumulating and storing more and more toxins in our bodies through improper eating and living habits and polluted environments. Every now and then your body needs to clean house, and rest and recuperate, but most of us just keep on abusing it -untill it's too late and we get sick or die. Aging is the slow but certain accumulation of toxins in the body as well as the wear and tear of overwork or activity. Eliminate these toxins through regular fasting and get enough rest and you can practically keep on going forever. There are many cases of old people who have become young again by changing their diets and environments. Immortality is within reach for those who are willing to make the necessary sacrifices.
Blood is truly the life of the individual. In its presently polluted state, blood is a thick and often dark-red liquid which courses through our arteries, veins, and capillaries, still bringing life and nourishment to all parts of the body. Blood gets its own nourishment from the air we breathe which carries light energy or the universal life force. So air builds blood, and blood builds bone and tissue. The quality of your blood will determine the quality of your body and health. Clean air, water, and food, will make your blood a bright red color whereas the opposite will give it a dark red color. A prolonged water fast in a clean-air environment will further lighten and refine your blood but it will still be in a liquid state. Only a prolonged total fast or breatharian state will change your blood into its original state -white light, but this can only be done in a pure environment, and in a pure state of mind, otherwise death may result. Adam was covered in a bright white light which flowed throughout his body before he lost it by eating and polluting his lightstream.
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