Fixed star: SKAT
Constellation: Delta Aquarius
Longitude 1900: 07PIS29. Longitude 2000: 08PIS52.
Declination 1900: -16.21'. Declination 2000: -15.49'.
Right ascension: 22h54m. Latitude: -08.11'.
Spectral class: A2. Magnitude: 3.5.
Suggested orb: 1 deg. approx Planetary nature: Sat-Jup
Hauska kuulla Lemniskata että ollaan samalta tähdeltä kotoisin

mulla on sen 2 asteen orbin kanssa siinä ja siinä,mutta just ja just se vois tuohon Skatiin ylettyä. Situla menee jo virallisen orbin sisään.
History of the star: The Arabic name for Skat is As-Saq (1), "The leg". The variations Scheat, Scheat Edeleu variously derived: either from Al Shi'at, "a Wish"; or from Al Sak, "the Shin-bone", near which it is located in the figure of Aquarius. Others said that it was from Al Sa'd an Arabic word for "luck" of the preceding stars.
On the Euphrates it seems to have been associated with Hasisadra or Xasisadra, the 10th antediluvian king and hero of the Deluge
This star delta (Skat) with beta (Sadalsuud), kappa (Situla), and others adjacent, it was the lunar station Apin, "the Channel", and individually this star was "the Star of the Foundation".
The corresponding stations, Khatgar in Persia, Shawshat in Sogdiana, and Mashtawand in Khorasmia, were also determined by this star. (Allen).
Influence of the constellation: The beauty of Ganymedes and his flight through the air link it to the ideas of personnel charm and aviation with which it is certainly connected. The Water Bearer is associated with the Hebrew letter Nun and the 14th Tarot Trump "Temperance". (Robson).
General influence of the star: According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter; to Simmonite, of Uranus; and, to Alvidas, of Uranus and Venus in sextile to Mercury. It gives good fortune and lasting happiness. (Robson).
Safety in a deluge. (Noonan).
Niin, tältä tähdeltäkö se mediumistisuus oikeen tuppaa vaikka sitä ei pyytele... :

With Sun: Sensitive, emotional, psychic; criticism and persecution through mediumship, but help from friends. (Robson). :

With Moon: New and influential friends, associated with companies, public position but little prominence, valuable gifts, love of respectable women. (Robson).
With Mercury: Peculiar events, occult interests, psychic, many friends. (Robson).
With Venus: psychic, occult interests, friends among opposite sex, favor able for gain. (Robson).
With Mars: Energetic, advancement through exertions, mechanical discoveries or ability. (Robson).
With Jupiter: Philosophical occult or religious mind, social success, prominent in Freemasonry. (Robson).
With Saturn: Trouble through opposite sex, many travels and peculiar adventures, sudden up and downs, early marriage but may desert wife may be deserted or marriage may be bigamous, separated from children, no help from friends, bad for gain and for health in latter part of life, may die in workhouse, hospital or asylum. (Robson).
With Uranus: Vacillating, weak character, mentally far in advance of his time, writer on theories of life, suffering from violent attachment or marriage in early life, eccentric, greatly criticized, sudden death. (Robson).
With Neptune: Abnormal mind, changeable, easily discouraged, idealistic, psychic, many alliances, separated from marriage partner and children, accidents, may become insane, death through a fall or by water in middle life. (Robson).