Tuosta 2012 jutusta...
Se mistä en ollutkaan aikaisemmin tietoinen, että tämä maya-kalenterijuttu vaikuttaa olevan jonkinlainen yhteiskunnalliseen muutokseen pyrkivä liike, joka yrittää tosissaan muuttaa maailmaa muuttamalla käyttämämme kalenterin luonnollisempaan muotoon."13 moon calendar change peace movement". Perusteluja, nykyinen kalenteri ja ajanlaskutapa on epäluonnollinen, ikäänkuin konemainen, ja ihminen joutuu elämään epäluonnollisessa rytmissä. karkauspäivän sijasta jossain päin maailmaa järjestetään kesäisin mayakalenterin mukaan juhlaa "day out of time", sellaista päivää joka ei kuulu mihinkään. En ole selvillä tarkemmin näistä kalenterijutuista, mutta se on kyllä totta, että meidän nykyinen ajanlaskumme ei seuraa kuukausien pituutta...ilmeisesti jokaisessa vuorokaudessakin meillä karkaa jotain minuutteja.en tiedä miten sitten hindukalenteri asian hoitaa joka seuraa sideeristä kuunkiertoa.
Kuitenkin tästä mayakalenteri liikkeestä:
Perpetual 13-Moon Calendar
Basic 13-Moon Calendar only - works for any year. 13 Months of 28 Days and 1 Day Out of Time. Produced by the Foundation for the Law of Time.
Moon One July 26 to August 22, 2006
Moon Two August 23 to August 22, 2006
Moon Three September 20 to October 17, 2006
Moon Four October 18 to November 14, 2006
Moon Five November 15 to December 12, 2006
Moon Six December 13, 2006 to January 9, 2007
Moon Seven January 10 to February 6, 2007
Moon Eight February 7 to March 6, 2007
Moon Nine March 7 to April 3, 2007
Moon Ten April 4 to May 1, 2007
Moon Eleven May 2 to May 29, 2007
Moon Twelve May 30 to June 26, 2007
Moon Thirteen June 27 to July 24, 2007
Day Out of Time July 25, 2007
http://www.tortuga.com/index.htmlfoorumi jossa voi esiintyä maya merkeillään ja kineillään...
http://forums.tortuga.com/Mitähän nämä katsovat tapahtuvan sitten kun 2012 tulee, tarvitaanko kalenteria lainkaan...
eräs mayakalenteria promotoiva sivu kertoo...
http://www.2012.com.au/mayan.htmlYou may ask, "If this cycle is so natural, why aren't we already using it?" Actually, all ancient indigenous peoples used this system long ago, not just the Mayans. The 12 month calendar commonly utilized today is known as the "Gregorian Calendar" because it was instituted by the edict of Pope Gregory in 1582. However, it is just an update of the original Julian Calendar, the calendar instituted by Julius Caesar as a calendar of conquest.
In truth, Rome's purpose in imposing the Julian calendar on the people they conquered was to take away the power from the people and to give their power away to Rome. Invariably, this calendar was imposed on people who were utilizing the 28 day, 13 moon calendar system. These were people who were very in tune with nature, because of their connection to time as a natural cycle. To take their power away, Caesar imposed a false time upon them. A time which would take them out of step with nature. A time which would force them to look to Rome as their source of power. It was not until the early 1900s that the 12 month calendar was accepted as the world standard. So, in truth, 2000 years later Rome has conquered the world. And nobody even questions the accuracy of the calendar.
Let's look briefly at the 12 month calendar and see why it is an inaccurate way to measure time. First of all, it has months of different lengths. If someone gave you a ruler and some of the inches were longer and some were shorter, would you use that as an accurate form of measure? Secondly, whenever you have to think, "30 days has September..." in order to remember the inharmonic numbering of the days of the months, you are actually reverting to a grade-school level of consciousness. Thirdly, the names of the months July and August are both named after Caesars. September, October, November and December are Roman words that mean 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th month, respectively. But are they ? Finally, the beginning of the year, January 1, is a date arbitrarily chosen by Caesar. Why are we still following the edicts of Rome ?
When we are born we are not asked what calendar we want to use. We simply have one imposed on us by the people who have come before us. Time is a mental concept inreference to the way we perceive it. We simply have to change our minds and time will change. In fact, it will revert back to its natural state. This act alone will begin the movement of our culture back into harmony with nature.
This is a monumental time in the history of the Earth. We have the opportunity to shift one of our core beliefs, the belief in time as linear. It is the 12 month calendar that holds in place the belief in the past, present and future. Time is a cycle, not a line. Each time the cycle turns we have the opportunity to make our lives better.
Yes, this is the end of time. It is also the end of the world as we know it. But, that does not mean destruction. It simply means that we are preparing to birth a new world in which we can live and love in peace, harmony and goodwill for all.
Maya merkkien takana ilmeisesti on henkilö nimeltä Jose Arguelles ja hänen vaimonsa.
Sittenhän oli myös se kilpaileva kalenterityyppi, joka antaa hieman eri merkit kuin tämä yleisin Arguellesin.
hmm. :
silti, ajatus luonnonmukaisesta kalenterista kuulostaa kiehtovalta. Riittää tämä konemainen stressi...olisiko se sitten kalenterista kiinni? Ajanlaskemistavallahan on kyllä suuri vaikutus elämisen rytmiin. Usein kyllä tuntuu että vuorokaudessa on liian vähän aikaa...
Muokkaus: Jos nyt siis oikein käsitin, niin kyse on siitä, että kalenterissamme on 12 kuukautta, mutta itse Kuu kiertää 12 "kuukauden" aikana 13 kertaa...eli siis kolmetoista uusikuu-täysikuu-vanhakuu kierrosta.(eli ns. sideerinen kuukausi) Eli tämä kalenteri haluaa takaisin oikeat Kuu-kaudet.
joo, tuolla kaikki mahdolliset tavat laskea kuukausi. mukana on myös noususolmuihin perustuva draconiittinen kuukausi...monta vaihtoehtoa