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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Jupiter oppositio Kuu  (Luettu 5102 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 12

« : 04.01.2007 18:16:46 »

Miten on, vaikuttaako mitenkään/miten kun olis tässä muutto edessä lähiaikoina?  Huh Luin jostain että lähinnä tyytymättömyyttä omaan elämäntilanteeseen.. Vuosi pari sitten viime muuton aikana Uranus neliöi Kuutani. Miten nämä Kuutransiitit ovatkin sattuneet aina kodinvaihto jaksoille Cheesy

Mitään ajatusta herättäneekö?

Kuu oli kaksosissa ja kasissa...
« Vastaus #1 : 04.01.2007 19:14:17 »

tsekkaapa löytyykö linkistä mitään...
Viestejä: 651

« Vastaus #2 : 06.09.2011 15:24:26 »

Mahtava linkki! Kiitos. Minulla menossa  jupiter  aspect_opp  kuu  ja kuu sijaitsee 1 huoneessa.

Transiting Jupiter square or opposite your natal Moon. In general this is a very pleasant transit as it makes you feel sentimental and connected with the past. There will be a desire to protect those around you and make them feel comfortable. Social justice is very important to you now and if you see injustice at this time, it will bring alot of outrage and a feeling self-righteousness. You will also probably feel very self indulgent at this time. It is not really the best time to deny yourself as this increases the feeling of deprivation. It is best to try and moderate your indulgence.

On the negative side, relationships with other women or your mother may be a bit strained at this time, as you may be behaving in a way that decreases their freedom. Possessiveness is a common reaction at to this transit. It is best to emphasize a bit of independence and avoid clingyness.

If the Moon is lord of your 1st house, you will feel more undisciplined than usual. There is a tendency toward weight gain. Overindulgence may create sickness now.

Minulla muitakin hankalia transiitteja menossa juuri nyt. katsotaan jos löydän täältä vihjeitä...

Transiting Saturn trine or sextile your natal Sun. This is a time of potential recognition and accomplishment. Superiors are likely to be impressed with your efforts. Your relationships with them and your father are likely to be improved. It is an excellent time to ask for a promotion or a raise. You may have a hard time keeping secret what you do now as it has a tendency to be in the spotlight. This is a period of stability in the sense that you feel you know who you are. There is very little uncertainty and consequently you have a self assurance that is well justified. You are capable of making a favorable impression on others.

No, ei vaikuta kovin pahalta.

Transiting Uranus square or opposite your natal Jupiter. Most people experience this transit by wanting to be more adventurous. The mundane seems too dull and you do not want to tolerate encroachments on your freedom. There is usually an urge to travel and to take risks. Dangerous opportunities may present themselves to you now. There will be changes in the world around you, especially in the area of business and commerce and sometimes these changes can take you by surprise and you may have to quickly adjust to unforseen circumstances. Therefore it is best to be careful with your resources and financial situation, as you may have unintended expenses.

If lord of the 8th, an estate or will may produce an unexpected financial repercussions. Watch credit and electronic transactions carefully.

No, raha-asioissa aina on oltava tarkkana mutta aika vaikea noitä sähköisiä raha laitteita on välttää...


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