Viestejä: 217
« Vastaus #15 : 20.01.2007 22:06:43 » |
Juu, minulle myös napsahti seepra :
Anna minulle rohkeutta muuttaa ne asiat, jotka voi ja täytyy muuttaa; anna minulle voimaa myöntää ne asiat, joita ei voi muuttaa; ja anna minulle viisautta erottaakseni, mikä kumpaankin on. - Franciscus Assislainen -
« Vastaus #16 : 20.01.2007 22:13:00 » |
Jopas sattui! Meditoidessa jos pitää tai saa kutsua eläintä luokseen, se on aina pöllö. Pöllö on ollut muutenkin kuvioissani mukana, saanut niitä ystäviltä lahjoiksi. Siis hyvin osuvaa! (http://www.poweranimalsunleashed.com/images/Power%20Animal%20Images/012-Owl.jpg)
Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the owl fill you.
The owl brings you wisdom as well as great powers of perception and intuition. Welcome her into your heart and life gladly!
The owl has very keen hearing and vision, enabling her to perceive what others cannot. With her powers within you, you will be able to penetrate the darkness with your intuitive senses. You will see through deception and illusion. You will uncover all mysteries and bring truth to light. Fill yourself with her power whenever the truth is unclear or hidden; she will shine the light so you may see.
The owl also allows you to move silently and unseen. When you do not want undue attention paid to you, when you wish to just quietly keep your own counsel, call in her spirit as you would an invisibility cloak.
One of the greatest powers the owl brings you is to penetrate your own secrets, to see into the beauty of your own soul and uncover there your personal truth and intentions. Feel her within you now, opening yourself to yourself, your true purpose sparkling like a treasure within.
Ah, what a blessing to be the owl!
« Viimeksi muokattu: 21.01.2007 12:55:10 kirjoittanut Esmiralda »
Nousu Skorpioni (Jousimies) Chiron Skorpioni Aurinko, Venus ja Merkurius Rapu Kuu Kalat Pluto ja Saturnus Leijona Jupiter Jousimies Mars Neitsyt Neptunus Vaaka Uranus ja Ceres Kaksonen
Maya, Punainen Itsevallitseva Kuu Kiinalainen Rotta Kelttiläinen Omenapuu
Rakkauden enkeli
« Vastaus #17 : 20.01.2007 22:30:55 » |
Rakkauden enkeli
« Vastaus #18 : 20.01.2007 22:32:49 » |
Juu, minulle myös napsahti seepra :
« Vastaus #19 : 21.01.2007 11:52:03 » |
Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the lioness fill you. How blessed you are to be the lioness!
« Vastaus #20 : 21.01.2007 19:49:35 » |
Sain jellonan
« Vastaus #21 : 22.01.2007 22:58:25 » |
Tämähän kuulosti tosi hyvältä. KILPIKONNA: No dream is too large, no goal too impossible, no destination too far, now that you are the tortoise!
The tortoise will teach you how to make time work for you. She knows that if you simply put one foot in front of the other and keep moving, you are bound to reach your destination. She is not afraid to set ambitious goals, even seemingly impossible goals, for her patience and tenacity are built upon a deep belief in herself. Allow her to give you this faith, this deep knowledge that you can accomplish anything you set out to do, if only you will keep going and never quit. For you are the tortoise, and the tortoise never gives up.
Let her also teach you how to pull inside yourself and find peace and quiet there, no matter where you are or what is happening. Whenever you need to, you may call her spirit to you and she will wrap you in her protective shell, surrounding you with so much love and caring that the events of the outside world will not disturb your center of peace.
And when the desert stretches out before you, let the tortoise give you the heart and the strength to cross the seemingly endless sands until you finally reach the sea, the sea soft with love and wonder, the sea of life, where all is again restored to you.Olen mietiskellyt miten pääsisin eräässä asiassa puusta pitkään, ja vastaus lienee sitten että siitä vaan lähden kärsivällisesti käpyttelemään.
Oinas: Venus, Saturnus Neitsyt: Pluto Vaaka: Asc, Jupiter, Uranus Skorpioni: Kuu, Neptunus Jousimies: Mars Vesimies: Merkurius Kalat: Aurinko
« Vastaus #22 : 23.01.2007 12:25:11 » |
Ihanaa, heppa. Pidän hevosista yli kaiken. Ja melko osuva oli tekstikin... (http://www.poweranimalsunleashed.com/images/Power%20Animal%20Images/002-horse600.jpg) The Horse
Freedom - Balance - Abundance
You are most fortunate to have the horse spirit within you, for she has many things to teach you and many blessings to share.
The horse will show you how to balance your caring nature and deep love for others with your equally deep need for freedom and independence.
There will be days when she shows you how to relax fully, first rubbing against your loved ones, then just standing in the shade of the tree and munching the apples as they fall. Abundance will be yours, as she teaches you that a peaceful and centered life provides what is needed, like apples falling from a tree on a perfect summer’s day.
And when you ask, she will take you for a ride, as you run like the wind, faster and faster, until finally, like Pegasus, she sprouts wings, soars into the air and allows your soul to fly free. She will lift you to the heavens and reveal to you there your own highest self.
And through it all, she will show you how to stay deeply centered in the moment. She will teach you to live without worry or regret, your heart free of blame. Breathe in her spirit and she will bring you fully into this moment and all that it contains, where you can balance beauty and duty, freedom and togetherness, all in perfect joy and harmony.
Aur Kalat (Aur-Jup 1. huone) Asc Kauris Kuu Vesimies (Kuu-Mer 1. huone)
Viestejä: 76
« Vastaus #23 : 28.01.2007 03:14:51 » |
Lion. Joskus jossain muualla testissä voimaeläimekseni on tullut karhu. Kuitenkin unessa olen nähnyt hirven, kun voimaeläintä kyselin. Leijona oli yllätys.
Aurinko-Rapu Nousu-Kaksonen Keltainen galaktinen siemen Tulihevonen
« Vastaus #24 : 13.02.2007 01:37:03 » |
Take a deep breath and invite the spirit of the lion to fill you.
When you walk, walk like the lion. Be proud to be who you are, exactly as you are. Hold your head high. Look each person in the eye and silently say to yourself: I am the lion.
The lion will fill you with courage, the courage to be who you are and show it to the world. He will teach you how to roar out with your power, displaying your talents and announcing your presence. He will teach you to have the courage to be yourself, always and in all ways and to know the deep truth, that you are exactly as you should be. After all, you are the lion.
The lion is power, but power contained. He will teach you the strength of quiet command. He will teach you to hold yourself with such presence that merely being around you will fill others with respect and awe.
Know and be the quiet strength of complete confidence. Speak calmly and with authority. Act from a place of personal truth and wisdom, a wisdom that comes from the quiet times you spend just being and feeling your deep connection with all that is.
Walk with grace and strength. Hold your head high. And once in a while, give out a resounding, magnificent roar. After all, you are the lion.
Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen Egyptiläinen: Isis Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko Druidi: Pähkinäpensas Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
« Vastaus #25 : 13.02.2007 08:40:23 » |
« Vastaus #26 : 13.02.2007 09:05:24 » |
itselle tuli ensin tuo koala ja nyt tehtyäni uudestaan tuli kotka.
« Vastaus #27 : 13.02.2007 14:43:49 » |
You are all of this: unique, yet socially adept; far-seeing and intuitive; and completely comfortable with your physical self. How blessed you are to be the giraffe! Hih, kissasta tulikin kirahvi Olen nähnyt kirahveja luonnossa (Keniassa) ja oi, se on todella vaikuttava ilmestys läheltä nähtynä!
Viestejä: 186
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure
« Vastaus #28 : 13.02.2007 16:04:41 » |
Yksisarvinen tupsahti tänne, hevoset kyllä olleet aina lähellä sydäntäni Kappas vain, toisella kerralla tuli hevonen
« Viimeksi muokattu: 13.02.2007 16:17:45 kirjoittanut anemka »
Aurinko: Härkä Kuu: Leijona Mars: Kaksonen Venus: Rapu Asc: Leijona Punainen kosminen käärme Hevoskastanja
Rakkauden enkeli
« Vastaus #29 : 13.02.2007 20:34:00 » |
Testasinpa minäkin huvikseni uudestaan ja nyt tuli jääkarhu. Oikeasti minun voimaeläimeni onkin karhu kotkan lisäksi. Karhu on aina voimallisemmin esillä elämässäni kun minulla on jotenkin rankempi elämänvaihe menossa (kuten nyt tässä erossa), tuoden karhumaista rohkeutta ja voimaa ja lohdutusta. Kotka taasen enemmän esillä silloin kun on jotain muutoksia elämässä, sellaista henkistä uudistumista yms. Rinnalla kulkevat molemmat kuitenkin koko ajan. (http://www.poweranimalsunleashed.com/images/Power%20Animal%20Images/028-polar-bear.jpg) Ja miten sopiva kuvaus elämäntilanteeseeni : The polar bear is enormously strong and full of courage. He will help you stand up to the challenges of life, so you are never overwhelmed, no matter how large the challenges are. For you are the polar bear, and you do not back down. The polar bear will also teach you to thrive in environments that may be hostile to others. He will give you powerful insulation, so that you are always safe and sound, no matter what is around you. While others are losing strength and power, you will just breathe in deeply and pull warm polar bear energy around you and within you. With polar bear energy within you, you will have the strength and perseverance to handle any challenges that life brings to you, no matter how great. Just breathe in polar bear energy and you will be filled with self-belief; you will know that you are everything you need to be. The polar bear is also a master at camouflage. When you need to disappear into yourself and find peace for a moment, just close your eyes and cover your nose and you will disappear for a time. Then, rested and rejuvenated, spring to life, full of enough energy to cross the arctic ices. After all, you are the polar bear and power is yours.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 13.02.2007 20:36:16 kirjoittanut Rakkauden valo »