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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Voimaeläimesi  (Luettu 32556 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 2 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 186

Where you stumble, there lies your treasure

« Vastaus #30 : 23.02.2007 16:48:12 »

Tällä kertaa tiikeri ja kirahvi  Smiley

Aurinko: Härkä
Kuu: Leijona
Mars: Kaksonen
Venus: Rapu
Asc: Leijona
Punainen kosminen käärme
Viestejä: 118

« Vastaus #31 : 23.02.2007 20:04:18 »

sarvikuono... laugh
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #32 : 23.02.2007 20:25:19 »

Tänään tämä  Wink


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
« Vastaus #33 : 23.02.2007 20:35:37 »

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the wolf fill you.
The wolf has many gifts to give you and many lessons to teach.  You are blessed indeed to have his spirit within your heart.

The wolf will teach you how to balance individuality with society.  There are times when you know you must go your own way, expressing who you are in no uncertain terms.  There are times when your free spirit yearns only for the company of the full moon.  Let wolf strength and power fill you in those times when you know you must stand alone.
But the wolf will also teach you to be a part of a group, how to enjoy the love and companionship of friends and family as well as how to take advantage of the great success you can have when you work closely with others, fully aligned in direction and purpose.
The wolf will teach you how to balance these two sides of yourself.  Let his intuition help guide you in the best way to be right now, in each moment as it unfolds.
The wolf will also give you great stamina and perseverance, the ability to continue for miles, across ice and snow, until you reach your destination.  Wolf spirit will increase your intelligence and adaptability, so you are able to find the right path, whether it is through a dense forest or crossing a snowy mountain.
Wherever life takes you and however things are there, just reach down deep into your heart and you will feel the wolf there, helping you find your way.

Viestejä: 651

« Vastaus #34 : 23.02.2007 20:49:54 »


Take a deep breath and invite the spirit of the lion to fill you.

When you walk, walk like the lion.  Be proud to be who you are, exactly as you are.  Hold your head high.  Look each person in the eye and silently say to yourself:  I am the lion.

The lion will fill you with courage, the courage to be who you are and show it to the world.  He will teach you how to roar out with your power, displaying your talents and announcing your presence.  He will teach you to have the courage to be yourself, always and in all ways and to know the deep truth, that you are exactly as you should be.  After all, you are the lion.

The lion is power, but power contained.  He will teach you the strength of quiet command.  He will teach you to hold yourself with such presence that merely being around you will fill others with respect and awe.

Know and be the quiet strength of complete confidence.  Speak calmly and with authority.  Act from a place of personal truth and wisdom, a wisdom that comes from the quiet times you spend just being and feeling your deep connection with all that is.

Walk with grace and strength.  Hold your head high.   And once in a while, give out a resounding, magnificent roar.  After all, you are the lion.

Jopas jotain. Odotin suurimpana mahdollisena eläimenä sutta. Eipä käynyt hassummin... Näitä voimaeläimiä oon joskus miettinyt. Onko olemassa jokin laskennallinen juttu vai onko kyse lähinnä mututuntumasta? Voimaeläimiähän on käytetty jo vuosituhansia.

Taivasta katsellen ja ihmetellen
Viestejä: 80


« Vastaus #35 : 24.02.2007 18:56:56 »

Musta pantteri se siellä. Aika yllättävää! Vitsi, riikinkukko tai yksisarvinen ois kyllä olleet kans upeita! Ihmettelen vähän ettei tullutkin lintu. Linnut on mulle jotain yli-ihmeellistä ja tärkeää. Mulla on niihin yhteys.

Vesimies saavuttaa aina päämääränsä, vaikkakin usein mutkan kautta.
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #36 : 24.02.2007 20:55:21 »

Orca energy will allow you to thrive in varied environments, for she is found in the frigid waters of the north as well as the warm seas of the tropics.  No matter where you find yourself, orca energy will help you to adapt and do well indeed.

The orca is highly intelligent and has great learning abilities.  This, together with your adaptability, will enable you to take on challenging assignments and projects in life, knowing that you will be capable of learning whatever it is you need to learn in order to succeed.

Orca is also highly sociable and loves working with others.  She lives in a cohesive group, communicates well and works alongside the members of her pod to achieve things greater than she could possibly do alone.  Let her teach you this ability to work as a team, making your personal power as large as that of the whole group.
Brave and bright, healthy and strong, and a loyal and effective team member, you are the orca.


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
« Vastaus #37 : 25.02.2007 09:43:00 »

Minullepas tuli joutsen.  Cheesy
Viestejä: 186

Where you stumble, there lies your treasure

« Vastaus #38 : 25.02.2007 10:16:01 »

Koala ja joutsen  Smiley

Aurinko: Härkä
Kuu: Leijona
Mars: Kaksonen
Venus: Rapu
Asc: Leijona
Punainen kosminen käärme
Viestejä: 385

« Vastaus #39 : 05.09.2007 00:09:00 »

The Gorilla

Leadership          Strength          Intelligence

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the gorilla fill you.

Welcome the immense power of the gorilla into your life.  Feel the confidence pour into you as you rise to your full potential.  Nothing is too much for you to handle, for you are the gorilla.

The gorilla is highly intelligent and a creative problem solver, able to utilize tools to achieve his purpose.  Call his spirit to you when you wish to find practical solutions to life's challenges.  Feel how the problems give way instantly as your mind clears and the pieces all fall into place.

The gorilla is a leader, commanding a group through strength of will, decisiveness and mediation of conflict.  With the gorilla within you, you will uncover your own powers of leadership, learning to command through personal presence.  And with this leadership, you will learn responsibility, for the gorilla always takes full protective responsibility of those within his command.  He understands that a good leader is a leader who serves the needs of the followers.

The courage of the gorilla is yours.  Feel it beating within your heart.  Feel the power, the strength, that this glorious animal brings to your life.  You have the power to marshal the strength of many to your cause.  There is nothing you cannot accomplish.  You are the gorilla.

Katso vettä rakkaudella ja kiitollisuudella! Vesi, jota katsot, värähtelee samalla taajuudella kaikkialla muualla olevan veden kanssa ja rakkauden viestisi tavoittaa jokaisen maailmassa olemassaolevan ihmisen sielun.
Viestejä: 53

« Vastaus #40 : 05.09.2007 21:46:54 »

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the panther fill you.

Feel the power of the panther, the power of patience, attraction and readiness.  You are blessed indeed to have it within you.

The panther will teach you alert patience.  She sits in the bough of the tree in the ultimate state of power:  highly alert, yet completely relaxed, ready to respond to whatever comes down the jungle path.  She will teach you to observe quietly and unseen, calm and deeply patient, ready to seize opportunities at just the right moment, neither too soon nor too late.

The panther will also give you the power of attraction.  You will be blessed with pull energy, fueled by faith.  With the panther within you, you will be full of belief, in yourself and your powers and in the bounty of the universe, which will provide exactly what you need, when you need it.  Just breathe in the panther spirit and let life come.

The panther will also sharpen your intuition, so that you sense what is coming and can make yourself ready.  And when the opportunities are here, when you feel them emerging at last from the jungle, fill yourself with courage and abandon yourself fully to the realization of the life you have brought forth.  Leap down upon life and devour it, make it yours.

After all, you are the panther.

hmm : ] pettymys, kaunis musta pantteri ei halunnut siirtyä tähän kaikkien ihailtavaksi.

Annetaan kaikkien kukkien kukkia
Viestejä: 651

« Vastaus #41 : 08.09.2007 12:55:41 »

Heh... Laidasta laitaan. Tällä kertaa tuli

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the squirrel fill you.


Your money worries are over, for the squirrel will teach you how to manage your resources.  With squirrel power within you, you will find it natural and easy to set aside money for those future projects and to provide for yourself during slower times from the money you saved during flush times.  Your financial acuity will increase as you find yourself developing new habits.


But the squirrel is no stranger to fun.  You will find you can handle money easily and then spend the remainder of your daytime hours scampering up a tree and chirping to your fellows.  The squirrel knows how to balance enjoyment of the lovely summer’s day with doing what needs to be done to provide for the coming winter.


The squirrel will infuse you with this spirit of the seasons, helping you to enjoy each one, providing amply for yourself and your loved ones no matter what life brings.


The squirrel also brings the gifts of persistence, resourcefulness and tenacity.  When he sees what he wants, he finds a way to get it.


What a relief it will be to have these strengths come easily to you, just by breathing in the squirrel energy and putting an awareness before you of different ways to live, enjoying today as fully as possible, while also setting aside for tomorrow.

Taivasta katsellen ja ihmetellen
Rakkauden enkeli
« Vastaus #42 : 09.09.2007 20:52:00 »

Päätin pitkästä aikaa kokeilla ja UI! Sieltähän se oikea toinen voimaeläimeni vastaan lönkytteli, eli KARHU.  smitten

The many gifts of the bear are yours.  How fortunate you are!

The bear will teach you how to go after the sweetness of life, to  put up with a few bee stings to get at the honey, to put up with a few thorns to taste the sweet berries.  With bear energy within you, the petty little irritations of life will pass unnoticed as you go after the sweetness that is there for you.

The bear will also teach you how to use your strength and balance it with love.  When threatened, the bear knows how to stand tall and bellow out a warning.  His courage and power will be there for you whenever you need it.  But when approached gently, the bear knows how to give a loving hug.  His sweet and loving nature will reside gently within your heart.


But most of all, the bear will teach you about seasons, about living with life as it is.  He accepts that life has its seasons, the freshness of spring, the bounty of summer, the beauty of fall, and the cold storms of winter.  And when the winter is here, the bear knows that it is all right to just crawl into a cave and sleep, safe and warm.  He sleeps soundly, full of faith, knowing that tomorrow may just be the first day of a new spring.


Roar out with your bearness.  Be present within each moment of every season, full of love and courage and always going after the sweetness of life.  You are the bear.

Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #43 : 09.09.2007 22:53:33 »

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the bear fill you.

 The many gifts of the bear are yours.  How fortunate you are!

The bear will teach you how to go after the sweetness of life, to  put up with a few bee stings to get at the honey, to put up with a few thorns to taste the sweet berries.  With bear energy within you, the petty little irritations of life will pass unnoticed as you go after the sweetness that is there for you.

The bear will also teach you how to use your strength and balance it with love.  When threatened, the bear knows how to stand tall and bellow out a warning.  His courage and power will be there for you whenever you need it.  But when approached gently, the bear knows how to give a loving hug.  His sweet and loving nature will reside gently within your heart.


But most of all, the bear will teach you about seasons, about living with life as it is.  He accepts that life has its seasons, the freshness of spring, the bounty of summer, the beauty of fall, and the cold storms of winter.  And when the winter is here, the bear knows that it is all right to just crawl into a cave and sleep, safe and warm.  He sleeps soundly, full of faith, knowing that tomorrow may just be the first day of a new spring.


Roar out with your bearness.  Be present within each moment of every season, full of love and courage and always going after the sweetness of life.  You are the bear.

 smitten  angel  smitten


Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 17

« Vastaus #44 : 10.09.2007 00:40:13 »

lokki Grin
Sivuja: 1 2 [3] 4