ei kannata ottaa liian vakavasti; Suomessakin Kajaani ja Kouvola sopii kuulema jousimiehelle, ja mitään muuttohimoa ei herännyt
vaikka kuulema mennyt elämä Kajaanissa.
Zodiacal Signs & Cities
Leicester, Florence, Krakow, Naples, Utrecht, Marseilles, Birmingham (UK)
Eastbourne, Hastings, Palermo, Lucerne, Leipzig, Dublin, St. Louis
Cardiff, London, Nuremberg, Tripoli, San Francisco, Melbourne, Plymouth
Amsterdam, Manchester, Milan, New York, Stockholm, Tokyo, Venice, York
Bath, Bristol, Bombay, Chicago, Madrid, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Rome
Athens, Paris, Boston, Toulouse, Corinth, Lyons, all spas and health resorts
Antwerp, Lisbon, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Vienna, Nottingham
Baltimore, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Liverpool, Newcastle, Washington DC
Budapest, Naples, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland, Stuttgart, Toronto
Brandenberg, Brussels, Oxford, Ghent, Delhi, Mexico City, Port Said
Bremen, Brighton, Hamburg, Helsinki, Moscow, Salzburg, St. Petersburg
Alexandria, Cowes, Grimsby, Jerusalem, Bournemouth, Seville, Warsaw
Sagittarius rules the following cities and countries: Spain, Hungary, Slavonia, Moravia, Dalmatia, Buda in Hungary (as in Budapest), Toledo (Spain), Narbon (SE France), Cullen (Ireland), Stergard (Stargard, Germany). We would expect some dramatic events in the above regions and cities. More generally, Sagittarius will often affect four-footed animals, particularly cattle and horses.
Arabia, Cape Finisterre, Dalmatia, France, Hungary, Italy, Moravia, Provence, Spain, Slavonia, Tuscany.
Astrologically the constellation was the House of Jupiter, that planet having appeared here at the Creation, a manuscript of 1386 calling it the Schoter "ye principal howce of Jupit "; although this honor was shared by Aquarius and Leo. Nor did Jupiter monopolize its possession, for it also was the domicile of Diana, one of whose temples was at Stymphalus, the home of the Stymphalian birds. These last, when slain by Hercules, were transferred to the sky as Aquila, Cygnus, and Vultur Cadens (Lyra), and are all paranatellons of Sagittarius, as has been explained under Aquila.
Thus the constellation was known as Dianae Sidus. It inclined to fruitfulness, a character assigned to it as far back as the Babylonian inscriptions; and was a fortunate sign, reigning over Arabia Felix, Hungary, Liguria, Moravia, and Spain, and the cities of Avignon, Cologne, and Narbonne;
while Manilius said that it ruled Crete, Latium, and Trinacria. http://www.constellationsofwords.com/Constellations/Sagittarius.htmlhttp://www.astrotogo.com/signs/about/sagittarius.cmPlaces: Chile; Australia; Spain; Hungary; Stuttgart, Germany; and Toledo, Ohio.