KOSKA MERKURIUKSEN PERÄÄNTYMINEN LOPPUU? Jossain luki että 25. maaliskuuta? On
nääs maailmalla aika isoja maksuliikenneongelmia tuhansilla ihmisillä taas. Liittyy
elektronisiin maksuihin, osakemarkkinoihin jne joita kyllä hallitsee Jupiter. Joo, kyllä tässä on tullut mietittyä ja tutkittua asiat taas uudestaan, ettei hutkis enää - yhä viisaammaksi viime
Thursday, March 2, 2006
8:24 p.m. GMT Saturday, March 25, 2006
1:38 p.m. GMT
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
7:29 p.m. GMT Saturday, July 29, 2006
12:35 a.m. GMT
Saturday, October 28, 2006
7:10 p.m. GMT Saturday, November 18, 2006
12:20 a.m. GMT
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
4:32 a.m. GMT Thursday, March 8, 2007
4:40 a.m. GMT
Friday, June 15, 2007
11:34 p.m. GMT Tuesday, July 10, 2007
2:12 a.m. GMT
Friday, October 12, 2007
3:54 a.m. GMT Thursday, November 1, 2007
10:53 p.m. GMT
On Thursday, March 2 at 5:14am, Mercury goes retrograde. It's followed by Jupiter going retrograde on Saturday, March 4 at 10:02am. Most of you already have heard about the dangers of Mercury retrograde. There's computers crashing, cars breaking down, messages and mail going undelivered or delayed, etc. While these things can indeed happen, to this author, that's the least of what this means and tends to cause us to focus on the wrong things. We can think of this period as one of catching up on things we haven't completed which now need our attention. We've been moving as fast as we could and have missed some steps. This is the time to finish what we have missed. And this is exactly what will be coming to our attention now. This is not a good time to start any major new cycle. We need to rethink and review. Usually we will be in situations that demand we do this. Often we discover that we have made decisions without all the information we needed, so what happens is that we suddenly find out about things at this time that force us to reconsider. This is why Mercury retrograde is actually a necessary phase for us. It's time to slow down a bit and catch our breath. I think a lot of the problems we face at this time come from not doing this. There always seems to be this tendency to race ahead to get things done quickly, to feel urgent about solving life's problems, when we are really needing to calm down a bit and begin re-evaluating things that do need to be addressed. If we don't, often life will make us do it anyway.
In other words, do what's necessary and be patient with the rest. See what life brings you and deal with that as patiently as possible. As always please feel free to tell me how this transit has affected you.
Best wishes,
Jim Sher