What is a twin flame you may ask? The term most often has been confused with that of soul mates but the two are distinctly different. The greatest love story ever told is the one you have with your very own beloved twin flame. In the beginning we were created in God (Alpha and Omega) in an ovoid white-fire-spirit-light, the soul was split just like the atom (Adam Kadman) into two identical parts (twin flames) each with the same identical soul blueprint. The tai-chi is a symbol of twin flames. Twin flames in love spiraling in infinity.
We then went forth from the Etheric realm (heaven) of God's perfect light into denser levels of consciousness (the physical). The actual saga of Adam and Eve is about twin flames, for we all have our own Adam and Eve story. Somewhere in cosmos, each one of us has our very own divine other, who carries either the feminine or masculine polarity. This soul memory of the twin flame is so powerful, that we can feel very alone in this world, as we search for that promise of that original perfect love, the twin. No other love can compare to your own twin flame. Some people in very difficult relationships choose to suffer in agonizing pain, just to be with their twin flame. The movies Somewhere in Time, The English Patient and Moulin Rouge are modern day examples of twin flame love. Twin flames throughout history and literature are often tragic love relationships. The forces of anti-love work day and night to sabotage twin flames and keep them apart.
Twin Flames are ourselves in another body. When Souls chose to enter into physicality, they were split into masculine and feminine aspects. Please note, not male and female, because throughout our incarnations, we will be in both genders of bodies. When we first leave the Light to enter into physicality, we will connect with our Twin Flame. This is done so we will not feel so totally alone in the human experience. After this we go our separate ways and grow lifetime after lifetime in experience and wisdom until we are ready to break free of the bonds of physicality and mortality. When we have reached this stage we have the opportunity to reconnect with our “other half” or Twin Flame. The chances are that we meet our Twin Flame briefly in many lifetimes, but one or both of us are not ready for the intensity of this connection. When both halves of the whole are ready to come back together and meet they will discover that in that lifetime they have lead almost parallel lives. The events of their lives will mirror each other almost exactly. They may have come from very similar families and family dynamics. They may have had similar schooling or lack thereof. They may have almost identical careers. They may even have previous marriages and divorces within weeks of each other. When Twin Flames get to know each other, they will feel as if the other is reading their life script.
So now, what is a Soul Mate? A soul mate is different from a twin flame. Soul mates share a common mission and comparable stage of spiritual development. They come together because they are working on the same type of karma and the same chakra simultaneously. So soul mates have an attraction that is based on the sacred labor and on the path of self-mastery. A soul mate is like the echo of oneself in Matter working at the same task to fulfill a blueprint for God.
Soul mates experience a calmer, more stable connection on the lines of a brother and a sister type rapport. The very best marriages are often found to be between soul mates; they work very harmoniously together in business, raising children, and contributing to the community.
Soul Mates are those beings that we have had connections with in past lives. They may have been our parents, siblings, spouses, friends, etc. and they have agreed to come back to join us again. The reason for this rejoining is so that we can each achieve balance in our lives. Our Soul Mates represent our spiritual family. By connecting with them we are reminded of the resonance of our Soul and also they help us to wake up and remember our purpose. Most of the time when we think of Soul Mates we are thinking of love relationships, but we can have Soul Mates that join us for business partnerships, healing relationships, and yes, love relationships. Any relationship we can have is open to the arena of Soul Mates. They may be a teacher or minister or counselor who comes into our life and touches it deeply. Soul Mates are truly our friends from many lifetimes who come to play again with on this Earth. Often they come into our lives for a specific time or event. They may even come into a love relationship to assist us in a specific learning and then move on. Whatever the purpose of being in each others lives, it is a beautiful experience. When you connect with your Soul Mate in a love relationship, you have, in effect, found your perfect mate for where you are in your development as a Soul.
Over many lifetimes soul mate relationships prepare us for lasting twin reunion. They are a very important part of the process and should be blessed as such. Most often, soul mate unions will last longer and be more rewarding than the electrifying, but often stormy, twin pairings. Twin soulship is a very highly charged partnership and the two must be spiritually ready for it to last. When they are, their union will transcend all others.
Hassua kun eilen (tai siis joka päivä.....) miettelin tuota liekkiasiaa niin huoneeseen pöllähti semmonen walloittava tuoksu josta heti tajus että hän on alati läsnä henkisfääreissä vaikka fysikaalista matkaa olisi tietämättömästi... Hurjan vahva tuo energiasidos kun monesti tuntuu että hän itseasiassa elää ja vaikuttaa minussa niin myötä kuin vastamäkien kautta!
Raastavaa välillä kylläkin kun tää pöhkö ihmismieli on mitä on.....