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Hups tarkoitin siis saturnusta 6.huoneessa.
Katsoin tuolta astro.comin AstroClick Love osiosta mun saturnuksen asemaa kartalla. Siellä sanotaan seuraavaa saturnuksesta 6.huoneessa:
"You may have an innate desire to play the game of love by "the rules," so you are somewhat at a loss when a lover doesn't follow the pattern you are accustomed to.
You should develop a complex and varied set of patterns in lovemaking so that you always have a reference point and can't get lost. By so doing, you can become an extremely skilled and sensitive lover, whom your partner can rely on for direction if the situation becomes confused.
You will do well with a lover who has a healthy amount of sexual curiosity and a deep desire for fulfilment, who will support and encourage you in finding complete gratification. "
Muut aspektit ovat(suluissa se mitä tästä aspektista sanotaan!):
Sun Square Saturn (You may have a problem with your self-image, not giving yourself enough credit where it is due.)
Mercury Square Saturn(You may have some difficulty in communicating your needs in love to your lover.)
Jupiter Square Saturn (For various reasons, you may find it somewhat difficult to balance your sexual inhibitions with your enthusiasm about sex.)
Saturn Opposition Ascendant (You may be attracted to partners who restrict you in some way or who are or appear older than you.)