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Kirjoittaja Aihe: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut  (Luettu 140557 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 2 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #105 : 18.02.2008 16:09:58 »



Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated for you.

This may mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh idea or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light or hope. It may herald a total change.

Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar for the new cannot enter until the old and outworn has departed.

Your angel guidance is to accept the new for it will be welcome when it arrives.

Birth is a vulnerable time. The fragile life force needs to be protected and nurtured within you. Ask the angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.

Affirmation: I welcome and nurture the new in my life.

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #106 : 20.02.2008 14:38:37 »


The cells of your body hold the blueprint for your perfect health, happiness and spiritual destiny. They also hold the full potential of your spiritual and psychic gifts. However, they must be deeply relaxed to enable your true self to emerge. In Golden Atlantis, everyone maintained a state of comfortable relaxation, which kept them attuned to the flow of life. Consequently, they were always healthy, contented, radiant and wise. They also had astonishing powers and abilities.

The breath of life

If you chose this card, your guidance is to let go and relax, for busy-ness and stress block your divine essence. Breathe deeply so that the cells of your body can release your full, divine potential.

Find time to rest and relax.


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #107 : 20.02.2008 16:28:21 »

Self worth 


Self worth bestows a sense of confidence and expectation of success.

Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate you. You will earn respect.

When you value yourself you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. Remind yourself that you are likeable and loveable. Do not let others press your buttons. Stand tall and confident.

With true self worth you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angel to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #108 : 22.02.2008 18:35:47 »


Joy springs from a sense of connection to the Divine and is a quality which illuminates you.

Your angel guidance is to cultivate this quality by seeking the Divine in every situation.

Look beyond the surface and seek the light in the heart of each person.

Then you will become aware of the wonder of creation and joy will ignite your life.

Delight in everything for joy is a key to enlightenment.

Enjoy life.

Affirmation: I find joy in everything.
smitten smitten smitten

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #109 : 22.02.2008 18:44:54 »



Life is full of changes and surprises. When you resist them, you create problems and your work stagnates. Remember that there is a solution to every problem. So expand your vision to see the higher perspective and accept there is a more positive way of working.

Be prepared to question your own thoughts and actions. When you take new decisions, previously unseen doors are opened to you and you can access within yourself the necessary resources and wisdom to help you through change. Life force will flow freely through you and you will feel healthy and alive.

The business angels remind you that only the strong can be flexible.

Affirmation: I am flexible and full of vitality

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #110 : 04.03.2008 14:17:30 »


A still clear mind sees everything from a wider perspective and enables you to pinpoint your vision.

Allow your true wisdom to come forward and dissolve the chatter of your mind.

Know that your business angel has drawn this to your attention in order to help you, for a clear mind is sharp as a diamond.

Take some time to find the stillness within. Then you can clarify the issues in your life and take the right decisions for the highest good.

As you become clear about your business and personal life you will see things differently. You will be able to make decisions from strength and find a new way of being.

Affirmation: My clear, calm mind perfects my judgement.

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #111 : 04.03.2008 20:06:10 »



Your guidance is to take time to enjoy yourself. Relax and find your sense of humour. Treat things lightly.

Fun brings lightness of spirit and the most difficult situation can be eased if you see the funny side of things, so cultivate a sense of the ridiculous.

How can you bring play, laughter and fun into your social life, your relationships, your work life? When you have fun the angels rejoice for there is nothing they love more than joy, play, humour and laughter.

Affirmation: I lighten up and make everything fun.

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #112 : 27.03.2008 14:23:14 »

Hope  smitten

Hope indicates that the sun is about to come out in an area of your life.

The angel wisdom reminds you that your spirit is immensely resilient and powerful, so keep faith with your dreams and visions.

Remember the Universe wants you to have your heart’s desire. It is simply waiting for you to believe you deserve it before the angels bring it to you.

Do your part by deciding what you truly want. Then send out positive thoughts for the changes you seek and for the fulfilment of your wishes.

Ask the angels for help and they will fan the sparks of potential and bring them to life.

Hope is a magnetic quality which attracts the great and beautiful into your life.

Affirmation: I am eternally optimistic.

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #113 : 27.03.2008 20:22:15 »

Self worth 


Self worth bestows a sense of confidence and expectation of success.

Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate you. You will earn respect.

When you value yourself you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. Remind yourself that you are likeable and loveable. Do not let others press your buttons. Stand tall and confident.

With true self worth you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angel to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

 smitten  angel  smitten

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 385

Que cambie todo pero no el amor

« Vastaus #114 : 27.03.2008 21:39:40 »


Only the brave and open hearted dare to allow themselves to be vulnerable for it requires courage to take down all walls and expose your humanness.

Your angel guidance is to become aware of your defence mechanisms which keep you separate from others and the Divine.

Ask your angels to help you dissolve your masks and barriers so that your fragile, true self can emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon.

The reward is freedom, love and a sense of inner safety. So dare to be vulnerable and open.

Affirmation: Vulnerability is my strength.

 smitten smitten smitten

Sopipas hyvin juuri tälle päivälle!  angel

Enkelikortin saat täältä:


Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway.
~ Anna Eleanor Roosevelt  ~
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #115 : 06.04.2008 13:49:32 »


Acceptance means unconditional love. The angels remind you to accept everyone exactly as they are, without judging, blaming or wanting to change them.

When you are totally accepting you bear no malice or enmity towards anyone or anything.

Harmlessness through acceptance is a high state of being and this is a difficult quality for humans to embrace for it is a divine quality. Nevertheless the angels are drawing it to your attention now. You are also asked to accept yourself. When you truly do so, you feel centred and confident and your divine self is revealed.

Affirmation: I accept myself and others.

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #116 : 06.04.2008 20:12:00 »



Only the brave and open hearted dare to allow themselves to be vulnerable for it requires courage to take down all walls and expose your humanness.

Your angel guidance is to become aware of your defence mechanisms which keep you separate from others and the Divine.

Ask your angels to help you dissolve your masks and barriers so that your fragile, true self can emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon.

The reward is freedom, love and a sense of inner safety. So dare to be vulnerable and open.

Affirmation: Vulnerability is my strength.

 smitten  angel  smitten

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #117 : 21.04.2008 12:23:37 »


Laughter is a wonderful healer. It shakes out fear and leaves you feeling happier, clearer and more relaxed.

Remember that angels fly because they take themselves lightly, so make light of difficulties and see the funny side of situations.

Laugh at yourself and with others.

When you relax and laugh, your angels drop in new suggestions and ideas which can transform difficulty into delight

Laughter is the sunshine which dissolves the darkness so be merry, joyous and fun filled.

Affirmation: I see the humour in everything.

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #118 : 02.05.2008 22:30:34 »


To develop the quality of mercy forgive yourself and everyone around you.

Be magnanimous, see the good in others and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Open up to compassion but most of all access the wisdom within that recognises the divine in every creature.

When you temper your attitude to others with mercy you offer them grace.

You spread much light, joy and freedom and empower others to find the good in themselves.

Choosing this card may mean that the angels of mercy are offering you release from your pain or difficulties. Accept it graciously.

Affirmation: I am merciful.

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #119 : 11.05.2008 16:10:24 »



See life through the curious eyes of a child and you will discover a never ending source of happiness and excitement.

Curiosity keeps you alive, interested and interesting.

The angels are inviting you to be curious about yourself. Start exploring who you are and you will grow personally and spiritually.

Be interested in people and you will discover an eternal source of fascination.

Be curious about the wonderful Universe in which you live, about the angels themselves and their role in the divine plan.

The radiance of your delight in life will illuminate you.

Affirmation: I explore the wonder of life.
 angel angel angel


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
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