« Vastaus #46 : 09.09.2007 20:01:56 » |
Mitähän tällä informaatiolla ylipäätään tekee? Olisko sama jos lukis sarjakuvia? Missä on elävä elämä?
The clay of reality is molded in dreams
« Vastaus #47 : 09.09.2007 21:16:05 » |
Ei kun niin tämähän olikin holografista todellisuutta.. Eli ei hätää.. Ollaan sadussa mukana.. Miksi Jumaluus on halunnut luoda tämän todelta vaikuttavan tietoisuuden tanssileikin? Luominen on kangastusta... Unta ja totta..... Miksi minä olen? Voi onko minua? Kuvittelenko eläväni?
The clay of reality is molded in dreams
« Vastaus #48 : 09.09.2007 21:17:57 » |
Missä on elävä elämä?
Siellä sun täällä ja tuollakin
« Vastaus #49 : 09.09.2007 21:22:31 » |
Missä on elävä elämä?
Siellä sun täällä ja tuollakin Niin. Missäpä se ei olisi..... Olemattomassa? Missäs se on? Vai onko sitä?
The clay of reality is molded in dreams
« Vastaus #51 : 09.09.2007 21:34:26 » |
Olemattomuus on kuin tyhjä paperi. Siinä ei ole mitään
Luominen on sitä kun paperille ilmestyy jotain.. Ja sitten meitä maalataan....
The clay of reality is molded in dreams
« Vastaus #52 : 09.09.2007 21:38:13 » |
Jos on tyhjä, niin ei voi olla olematon - JOKU on silloin tyhjä, joku joka ON
« Vastaus #53 : 09.09.2007 22:04:16 » |
Jos on tyhjä, niin ei voi olla olematon - JOKU on silloin tyhjä, joku joka ON Millainen on rajaton kaikentäyttävä 0? Mitä voisi tarkoittaa jokin joka ei ole? Voiko olla liikkumattomuutta? Absoluuttista? Tajuttomuutta? Onko Jumalalla persoonaa? Jos on niin kuvitteleeko hänkin olevansa? Mistä se syntyi? Kun valo sammuu mitä jäljelle jää? Mitä on näkymättömän takana? Mutta minä olen ja elän ja hengitän, yhtä suurta jumalaa, elämänhalua. Sen temppeleinä toimivat kapakat, ilotalot, markkinat, marketit, kaupunkien värivalot... -Kotiteollisuus- Mä lähen nyt uni~versumiin.. Kääriydyn peiton sisään ja herään aamulla uuteen maailmaan... Hyvät yöt
The clay of reality is molded in dreams
« Vastaus #55 : 09.09.2007 23:57:00 » |
Jospa ne toteutumattomat holokrammit sieltä aioonisista aikakausista painaa päälle, tarttis'kokea jotain!!
« Viimeksi muokattu: 09.09.2007 23:58:32 kirjoittanut Kotkansilmä »
Hetkiä, joita olen kanssanne, haluan unohtaa hetkeksi.
« Vastaus #56 : 10.09.2007 08:22:52 » |
Jospa ne toteutumattomat holokrammit sieltä aioonisista aikakausista painaa päälle, tarttis'kokea jotain!! Mitä haluaisit kokea?
« Vastaus #57 : 30.09.2007 11:56:59 » |
Ihmisen vaatteista: http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/secret_teachings_of_all_ages/human_body_in_symbolism.htmThe philosophers of antiquity realized that man himself was the key to the riddle of life, for he was the living image of the Divine Plan, and in future ages humanity also will come to realize more fully the solemn import of those ancient words: "The proper study of mankind is man."
The clay of reality is molded in dreams
« Vastaus #58 : 01.10.2007 02:28:32 » |
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too, If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream--and not make dreams your master, If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much, If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!
--Rudyard Kipling
« Vastaus #59 : 05.10.2007 18:31:53 » |
Tässäpä näkemyksiä elämän pelistä:
Many theologies teach that a Supreme Being is opposed by an enemy. Perhaps there is an element of truth to this, even if the truth has been distorted. We do observe that at every level of existence there exists a condition or “game” in which survival is challenged. At the personal level, an individual’s survival is constantly opposed by aging, disease, and other factors. The survival of a family unit is often tested by financial problems, hostile relatives and outside sexual temptations. Organizations and nations usually have competitors and enemies. In the animal kingdom, the survival drama is most vividly played out in hunter-prey relationships. All physical objects face inevitable deterioration. Spiritual beings themselves appear to face survival challenges by being trapped in matter.
Since this survival game seems to exist at every level of existence, it is possible that it also exists in regard to a Supreme Being—a game in which a Supreme Being’s own survival is tested by the diminishment of its awareness units and perhaps by the ultimate diminishment of the Supreme Being itself. For such a game to exist, a Supreme Being would have had to either negotiate with one or more of its own awareness units to be the Supreme Being’s opponent(s), or a Supreme Being would have had to create in one or more of its awareness units an apprehension that a Supreme Being posed a threat to the continued existence of all other spiritual beings.
A Supreme Being’s opponent would not be any different or inherently more evil than any other spiritual being, any more than one neighbor who sits down opposite another to play a game of Monopoly is innately more evil just because he or she plays a different side.
An opponent would simply be one who became a different marker on a game board and played as well as possible. If such a game has indeed existed, then we can certainly hope that it may end soon by a Supreme Being conveying thanks to the opponent(s) for a game well-played, promising the indefinite survival of its awareness units, and asking that the game be stopped.
It seems time to put many old games to rest so that everyone may start moving into a new phase of fundamentally-improved existence http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/godseden/godseden19.htm#Escape%20from%20Eden
The clay of reality is molded in dreams