
Ensinnäkin pakasta putosi Maria Magdaleena ja viesti anteeksi anto.
Onko jompi kumpi sinulle nyt läheinen,joko Maria,tai tuo anteeksianto asia?
Suojelusenkeliltä kuitenkin viesti COMMITMENT
Altougthyou may have experienced difficulties or fear,this card is a message from your guardian angel to stay committed.
Honor your promises to your love ones,and keep your word to yourself and others.
If you are feeling conflicted about having enough time for your responsebilities,tehen call upon the angels to help.
You're appear to be worried about a decision that your grappling with.
This card reminds you to follow trough on your dreams,goals,and intentions.
Stay commited to your priorities,and give then the daily attention they deserve.
Remember that you're ultimately in charge of your schedule.
You have the right to say no to reguest that pull you away from your commtments.Your angels can help you whwn you feel overhelmed or overcommitted.
To receive heavens aid in this matter,give the entire situation to God.
Be honest with yourself and your angels about your feelings,including any guilt or sense of obligation.
You are loved and honored by heaven,which has you best interest at heart,in addition to caring about tehe welfare of your love ones.
Your guardian angels enfold you whit they loving wings and help you enjoy yourself as you acconplish everything on you list.