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« Vastaus #120 : 15.05.2008 09:56:10 » |
Hienosti meni kohdilleen Chandra; juuri monenlaisia vanhoja ihmissuhteita ja niissä olleita kiemuroita on tässä viime ajat selvitelty. Tulevaisuuden Arkkienkeli Rafaelin viestikin vaikuttaa varsin osuvalta, sillä juuri tuo on matkani tarkoitus...puhdistua ja puhdistaa. Kiitos, valoa kevääseesi! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)
Once upon a time I was a warrior princess. Now I`m the master storyteller and happy as a clown.
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« Vastaus #122 : 15.05.2008 11:13:56 » |
Rakkauden Valo! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Jostain kumman syystä,piti laittaa Ave Maria taustalle soimaan ja Arkkienkeli Mikaelin nimeä kantavan suitsukkeen palaamaan,kun pyysin sinulle viestiä. ![angel](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/angel.gif) Tässä suojelusenkeleiltäsi; WISE DECISION The decision that you're considering is a wise one.This card is a message from your angels asking you to trust your inner wisdom. Sometimes you worry about your decision-making abilities because in the past,some of your choices seemed unwise.Yet if you truly think about it,you ultimately learned and gained a lot of them. In that way,you can't make a wrong decision,can you? In this intance,you're concerned with following God's will. You'll know that you're on the best path when you actions are guided by a peaceful feeling.If there's some part of you that doesn't feel good about what you're doing,then you're veering from the truth.Sometimes staying on track means taking what seems to be the most difficult route.Your angels ask you to trust in their ever-present love,support,and protection. If you're making some major life changes,then your continued prayers will help you stay connected to your Divine guidance.Like a pilot who's constantly checking in with the air-traffic controllers,you must speak and listen to Heaven as you go along.Trust the messages of ethics,truth,and love.They're real,,,and they're the wisest choice for you to make. ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)
Rakkauden enkeli
![](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Themes/purple2/images/post/xx.gif) |
« Vastaus #123 : 15.05.2008 11:37:20 » |
Rakkauden Valo! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Jostain kumman syystä,piti laittaa Ave Maria taustalle soimaan ja Arkkienkeli Mikaelin nimeä kantavan suitsukkeen palaamaan,kun pyysin sinulle viestiä. ![angel](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/angel.gif) ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Tässä suojelusenkeleiltäsi; WISE DECISION The decision that you're considering is a wise one.This card is a message from your angels asking you to trust your inner wisdom. Sometimes you worry about your decision-making abilities because in the past,some of your choices seemed unwise.Yet if you truly think about it,you ultimately learned and gained a lot of them. In that way,you can't make a wrong decision,can you?
In this intance,you're concerned with following God's will. You'll know that you're on the best path when you actions are guided by a peaceful feeling.If there's some part of you that doesn't feel good about what you're doing,then you're veering from the truth. Sometimes staying on track means taking what seems to be the most difficult route.Your angels ask you to trust in their ever-present love,support,and protection.If you're making some major life changes,then your continued prayers will help you stay connected to your Divine guidance.Like a pilot who's constantly checking in with the air-traffic controllers,you must speak and listen to Heaven as you go along. Trust the messages of ethics,truth,and love.They're real,,,and they're the wisest choice for you to make. ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Voi kiitos! Tämä sopi tilanteeseeni juuri niin hyvin kohdalleen että... Etenkin kohdat jotka olen lihavoinut... Sillä eilen rakkaani nimittäin otti puheeksi yhteen muuttamisen. Tätä ennen, ennenkuin hän tuli luokseni ja otti asian puheeksi, hänen tekstiviestinsä jälkeen jossa ilmoitti milloin on tulossa jne. kuulin sisältäni "äänen", että vastaa myöntävästi mitä ikinä hän sinulta kysyykin/pyytää. Olin ihan että, täh mutta sitten kun hän tullessaan rupesikin puhumaan yhteen muuttamisesta. Vaikka sain tuollaisen etukäteisvarmistuksen ja vaikka meillä on kaikki muutenkin suhteessamme tähän asti edennyt ennätysvauhtia sekä se että kaikki tuntuu hyvältä ja oikealta, silti olen vielä epäröinyt ja kaivannut lisävarmistusta asialle. Olemmehan olleet yhdessä, (tosin hyvin tiiviisti) vain kolme kuukautta. Kaiken lisäksi epäröintiä toi lisää eilinen riitammekin. Mutta tämä kortti toi taas sitten lisävahvistusta sisäisille kuiskauksille ja jossittelujen heittämiselle romukoppaan. Ja aikakin kun on vain maallinen käsite. Olemme henkisesti kuitenkin jo vanhoja tuttuja. Eli ehkäpä... Se ei pelaa joka pelkää... ![Wink](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/wink.gif)
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 23
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« Vastaus #124 : 15.05.2008 11:50:51 » |
Kiinnoistaisikin muakin viesti saada tulevasta. ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)
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« Vastaus #125 : 15.05.2008 12:21:42 » |
Voi Rakkauden Valo! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Kun jotenkin niin samanlaisia juttuja nyt meneillään ja olen aina näiltä korteilta saanut vahvistusta. ![angel](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/angel.gif) Eilen nousi ensimmäisen kerran Twin Flame ja hieman naurattikin kun tuo sulho oli tulossa kylään. ![Grin](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/grin.gif) Tunsin jotain suurempaa tällä kertaa yhdessä ollessamme ja kun lähti,jäin aika sekavaan olotilaan.Pelkoa entisestä se oli,sen tiedän. Mutta aamulla nousi Arkkienkeli Chamuelin "Loved one",jossa viesti minulle,että on tuomassa rakasta sielunkumppania elämääni,ellei se siinä jo ole.Ja muutkin kortit vahvistivat tuota,että pelko pois ja luota,että kaikki mikä eteen tulee,on minule hyväksi. Joten kyllä! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Rakastetaan vain ja heitetään huolet enkelten huomaan. Kyllähän sinäkin sen tiedät,mutta oikein se menee,kun kerran sait viestin jo etukäteen. ![angel](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/angel.gif) RAKKAUTTA JA ONNELLISTA YHTEISELOA TEILLE! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) PS.Se kortti josta kirjoitin toisena,,,kirjoitan sen myöhemmin.Samoin Ennarille nostan. ![Smiley](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smiley.gif) Nyt en ole yksin,joten en kykene keskittymään.
Rakkauden enkeli
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« Vastaus #126 : 15.05.2008 13:34:25 » |
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« Vastaus #127 : 16.05.2008 06:25:58 » |
Tässä Rakkauden Valo se toinen kortti,jota hieman hämmästelin,,, ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) KING SALOMON:PRIORITIES Devote time to your highest priorities,even if it means getting to bed earlier or later.This is a wonderful time to work on projects that are near and dear to your heart. Even if you're confused how to approach the project,or your fear whether you'll be able to accomplish your dreams,do it anyway. You'll feel elated by the time and energy you invest into your true priorities because your inner self will feel loved and well cared for.As you invest in you priorities,you're investing in yourself. ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)
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« Vastaus #128 : 16.05.2008 06:58:50 » |
Huomenia Ennari! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Sinulle tuli kortti josta aina ilahdun. ![Cheesy](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/cheesy.gif) Tässä viestin tuoja,jonka enkelit sinulle lähhivät ja itse viesti. ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) St.Anthony of Padua;YOU FOUND IT! This is a message about finding something of great value,such as your life path or a lost item.St.Anthony asks you to have faith that you've found (or will soon find) what you're looking for. The situation you're inquiring about is what you've been seeking. Congratulations-you've found your way! Both St.Anthony and the Archangel Chamuel can help you locate lost items.Call upon them both (either silently or aloud) and ask them to help you.Then pay attention to your inner guidance,such as gut feelings,visions,or thoughts.Follow this wisdom,and you'll find the item. Trust in the miracle Heaven's helpers retrieving the item for you.Remember that nothing is lost in the mind of God.And if for some reason it doesn't immediately return,hold the faith that it will come back to you in Divine timing. St.Anthony of Padua,Italy,was called "Wonder Worker" for his reported miraculous healings,including bringing a man back to life. An eloquent speaker,he traveled widely to preach and help the poor. It's even reported that he gave speeches outdoors in the rain,yet his audience remained dry.Many people call upon St.Anthony to find lost items and to regain the grace of God,with miraculous results. Hyvää viikonloppua ja iloa elämäsi! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)
Rakkauden enkeli
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« Vastaus #129 : 16.05.2008 12:12:10 » |
Tässä Rakkauden Valo se toinen kortti,jota hieman hämmästelin,,, ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) KING SALOMON:PRIORITIES Devote time to your highest priorities,even if it means getting to bed earlier or later.This is a wonderful time to work on projects that are near and dear to your heart. Even if you're confused how to approach the project,or your fear whether you'll be able to accomplish your dreams,do it anyway. You'll feel elated by the time and energy you invest into your true priorities because your inner self will feel loved and well cared for.As you invest in you priorities,you're investing in yourself. ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Kiitos ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 23
![](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Themes/purple2/images/post/xx.gif) |
« Vastaus #130 : 16.05.2008 17:00:49 » |
Huomenia Ennari! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Sinulle tuli kortti josta aina ilahdun. ![Cheesy](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/cheesy.gif) Tässä viestin tuoja,jonka enkelit sinulle lähhivät ja itse viesti. ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) St.Anthony of Padua;YOU FOUND IT! This is a message about finding something of great value,such as your life path or a lost item.St.Anthony asks you to have faith that you've found (or will soon find) what you're looking for. The situation you're inquiring about is what you've been seeking. Congratulations-you've found your way! Both St.Anthony and the Archangel Chamuel can help you locate lost items.Call upon them both (either silently or aloud) and ask them to help you.Then pay attention to your inner guidance,such as gut feelings,visions,or thoughts.Follow this wisdom,and you'll find the item. Trust in the miracle Heaven's helpers retrieving the item for you.Remember that nothing is lost in the mind of God.And if for some reason it doesn't immediately return,hold the faith that it will come back to you in Divine timing. St.Anthony of Padua,Italy,was called "Wonder Worker" for his reported miraculous healings,including bringing a man back to life. An eloquent speaker,he traveled widely to preach and help the poor. It's even reported that he gave speeches outdoors in the rain,yet his audience remained dry.Many people call upon St.Anthony to find lost items and to regain the grace of God,with miraculous results. Hyvää viikonloppua ja iloa elämäsi! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Kiitoss!! ![angel](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/angel.gif)
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« Vastaus #131 : 17.06.2008 17:49:40 » |
Voi jankat! ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Anteeksi että olet jäänyt välistä pois! ![Undecided](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/undecided.gif) Nyt nostin sinulle kortit suojelusenkeleiltäsi ja seuraavanlainen vastaus nousi. ![angel](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/angel.gif) CHILD: This is a multifaceted answer that depends upon your particular situation.Here are the possible meaning behind your selection of this card (your intuition will tell you which answer applies to you); 1.Be as a child.Have childlike faith that everything will work out for the best,and it will be. 2.A child will soon be coming into your life. 3.Pay attention to your child or to a particular child in your care. 4.Help children in general trough education,advocacy,healing,and the like. 5.A child in Heaven is happy and doing well,and is sending you a message of love. The purity and innocence of children gives them an angel quality and earns them special attention from Heaven.Your prayers for the little ones are given high priority,and are always answered. This card is a message that you're being used as an Earth angel on behalf of children.The angels will help you in this endeavor if you'll ask for their assistance and guidence. ![angel](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/angel.gif) Kiitos ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Juurui minulle tarkoitettu visti kyllä oli ![Smiley](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smiley.gif)
![*](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Themes/purple2/images/star.gif) ![*](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Themes/purple2/images/star.gif)
Viestejä: 134
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« Vastaus #132 : 17.06.2008 18:35:02 » |
Hei! Haluaisin viestin elämän tilanteeseeni : ![Smiley](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smiley.gif) . Kiittäen Tähtisiipi ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)
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« Vastaus #133 : 22.06.2008 12:44:13 » |
Hei Tähtisilmä! ![angel](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/angel.gif) Koetan tuota pikaa keskittyä nostamaan sinulle viestiä. ![Smiley](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smiley.gif) Olen nyt tiiviisti istunut elämänkoulun penkillä ja se on vienyt aikani.Mutta taas meni jotain perille,joten tästä on hyvä jälleen jatkaa. Yritän pikaisesti saada sinulle viestin.Halauksin;Chandra ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)
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« Vastaus #134 : 22.06.2008 22:13:29 » |
Tähtisiipi (olet varmaan tähtisilmäkin,joksi sinut näköjään aijemmin ristin). ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif) Enkelisi tuovat sinulle viestin pyhimyksen kautta.Tässä,ole hyvä! ![Smiley](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smiley.gif) ST.NICHOLAS OF MYRA;GENEROSITY You're asked to start or continue giving time,money,assistance,or goods.This act helps you know how much you have,and leads to a feeling of abundance that automatically attracts greater prosperity into your life. The more you give,the more you'll receive.Contribute with joy and to be totally detached from the outcome of your offering.St.Nicholas reminds you of the happiness that you receive when you give to others from the spirit love.Allow yourself to be surprised at how the universe gives back to you. St.Nicholas's legendary generosity led him to be called "Santa Claus" and become a patron saint of children and needy.One of the most famous stories about him describes his rescue of three young girls whose father was about send them into prostitution to save the impoverished family. The saint threw three bags of gold through the girls bedroom window so that their future was secure.St.Nicholas also helped reform thieves and assisted those wrongfully imprisoned. You can call upon him to ispire and guide your volunteer work and show you the best avenues to give donations. ![smitten](https://www.astro.fi/forum/Smileys/Astro2/smitten.gif)