« Vastaus #45 : 23.01.2008 13:21:10 » |
MARRIAGE! Ihmettelin ensin että kenen kanssa! Mutta sanoma selkeni: Your guidance is the to commit yourself to something-a project,YOUR HOME,family,work or a relationship. Commitment is a powerful contract that will focus your energy enable your intent to flourish.
« Vastaus #46 : 02.02.2008 12:18:55 » |
Healing In Golden Atlantis, people were natural healers but those who were specially gifted were trained to become clear channels for divine energy. They worked in the Healing Temples. In the early days, healer-priests only needed to balance the chakras but later, as karma started to accrue, people needed more help to stay healthy. Sound, colour, geometric shapes, herbs and crystals were used to facilitate healing. Laser light passed through crystals was used for psychic surgery.
Be a healer This card reminds you that there are people who need your help, so it is time to develop, hone or practise your healing abilities. It also suggests that you may need a boost of spiritual, Reiki or emotional healing to raise your light levels.
Reach out to others today.
To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
« Vastaus #47 : 02.02.2008 12:31:54 » |
In Golden Atlantis, the people were all enlightened beings, who achieved this state of divine illumination by living serene, contemplative lives, honouring and respecting all people and the natural world. They maintained their high frequency by being in the moment, radiating love and appreciating all that they had. By holding positive attitudes and trusting the flow of life, they had a constant connection with the divine and knew they were part of the Oneness. Being
Your guidance is to stop doing and striving. Forget about tomorrow. Just still your mind, and be in the now. In this quiet time, contemplate the wonders of life and appreciate all that you do have, including the opportunity for life on Earth. Your reward will be inner peace and a sense of divine connection.
Enlightenment is being in Oneness.
Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen Egyptiläinen: Isis Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko Druidi: Pähkinäpensas Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
« Vastaus #48 : 02.02.2008 12:59:14 » |
Hei Ystäväin
Nostampa minäkin oman korttini*************** Klikkaa Diana Cooper - Atlantis Cards*************** The Ice Age
A two-thousand-year ice age allowed Earth to detoxify, rest and purify, so that the planet could vibrate at a higher frequency. During the ice age, the Intergalactic Council was able to plan the fifth and final experiment of Atlantis, heralding the Golden Age – the most glorious and spiritual time there has ever been on this planet.
Preparation Time
If you chose this card, it indicates that a time of rest and relaxation is needed. Use this space to look within and purify your beliefs and thoughts. This is a time to contemplate or meditate on your life-purpose and prepare yourself so that the new can come into your life at a higher frequency than the old.
The seeds of new beginnings are germinating. Elämänilo
« Vastaus #49 : 06.02.2008 22:07:27 » |
Technology The Atlanteans possessed computer technology beyond our wildest dreams or imaginings. Crystal technology, combined with sound and mind power, was used for awesome, high-speed transport, heating, lighting and building. A dome of crystal pyramids over Atlantis provided the grid that protected, powered and energised the great continent. This was totally safe and did not use fossil fuel.
The Spiritual Hierarchy allowed us to develop technology at this time, so that we would have more time for relaxation and spiritual contemplation!
Planetary responsibility Do not be over-reliant on technology but use it to give yourself time for your personal growth. Alternatively, this card may suggest that there are more possibilities in your life that you have yet to develop.
Use your time wisely and explore new possibilities.
To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
« Vastaus #50 : 06.02.2008 22:49:51 » |
Nourishment In the Golden Age, the people grew all their food with love. They played soothing music to the plants and placed special crystals amongst them, with the result that their fruit and vegetables contained the maximum cosmic and nutritional energy. They ate simple, local, fresh produce and shared everything they grew. All food was blessed before it was eaten. Furthermore, they ate slowly and appreciated every mouthful. As a result they were radiantly healthy. Your food Your guidance is to watch what you eat for your physical body must be pure to enable you to carry more light for your pathway ahead. Simple, fresh, locally-grown produce is the most effective in enhancing your cosmic energy. Eat slowly and appreciate the taste, texture and smell. Remember to bless all your food and drink. Prepare your body for the work ahead.
Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen Egyptiläinen: Isis Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko Druidi: Pähkinäpensas Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
« Vastaus #51 : 10.02.2008 13:57:53 » |
Enlightenment In Golden Atlantis, the people were all enlightened beings, who achieved this state of divine illumination by living serene, contemplative lives, honouring and respecting all people and the natural world. They maintained their high frequency by being in the moment, radiating love and appreciating all that they had. By holding positive attitudes and trusting the flow of life, they had a constant connection with the divine and knew they were part of the Oneness.
Being Your guidance is to stop doing and striving. Forget about tomorrow. Just still your mind, and be in the now. In this quiet time, contemplate the wonders of life and appreciate all that you do have, including the opportunity for life on Earth. Your reward will be inner peace and a sense of divine connection.
Enlightenment is being in Oneness.
To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
« Vastaus #52 : 11.02.2008 00:52:25 » |
Marriage If a couple wanted to marry in Golden Atlantis, a priest would examine their auras to ascertain that they were spiritually and emotionally compatible. No ring or other symbol was exchanged for they considered that no one could own or limit another in this plane of free will. Marriage was a sacred, lifelong commitment to provide a stable environment for children. They wished to ensure that a child’s upbringing was balanced by both masculine and feminine energy in its formative years. Bringing up the future generation was understood to be a great spiritual responsibility. Commitment Your guidance is to commit yourself to something – a project, your home, family, work or a relationship. Commitment is a powerful contract that will focus your energy to enable your intent to flourish. Make a commitment.
Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen Egyptiläinen: Isis Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko Druidi: Pähkinäpensas Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
« Vastaus #53 : 14.02.2008 17:32:17 » |
Marriage If a couple wanted to marry in Golden Atlantis, a priest would examine their auras to ascertain that they were spiritually and emotionally compatible. No ring or other symbol was exchanged for they considered that no one could own or limit another in this plane of free will. Marriage was a sacred, lifelong commitment to provide a stable environment for children. They wished to ensure that a child’s upbringing was balanced by both masculine and feminine energy in its formative years. Bringing up the future generation was understood to be a great spiritual responsibility.
Commitment Your guidance is to commit yourself to something – a project, your home, family, work or a relationship. Commitment is a powerful contract that will focus your energy to enable your intent to flourish.
Make a commitment.
To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
« Vastaus #54 : 15.02.2008 10:28:45 » |
In the Golden Age, the people grew all their food with love. They played soothing music to the plants and placed special crystals amongst them, with the result that their fruit and vegetables contained the maximum cosmic and nutritional energy. They ate simple, local, fresh produce and shared everything they grew. All food was blessed before it was eaten. Furthermore, they ate slowly and appreciated every mouthful. As a result they were radiantly healthy.
Your food
Your guidance is to watch what you eat for your physical body must be pure to enable you to carry more light for your pathway ahead. Simple, fresh, locally-grown produce is the most effective in enhancing your cosmic energy. Eat slowly and appreciate the taste, texture and smell. Remember to bless all your food and drink.
Prepare your body for the work ahead.
« Vastaus #56 : 17.02.2008 16:03:01 » |
If a couple wanted to marry in Golden Atlantis, a priest would examine their auras to ascertain that they were spiritually and emotionally compatible. No ring or other symbol was exchanged for they considered that no one could own or limit another in this plane of free will. Marriage was a sacred, lifelong commitment to provide a stable environment for children. They wished to ensure that a child’s upbringing was balanced by both masculine and feminine energy in its formative years. Bringing up the future generation was understood to be a great spiritual responsibility. Commitment
Your guidance is to commit yourself to something – a project, your home, family, work or a relationship. Commitment is a powerful contract that will focus your energy to enable your intent to flourish.
Make a commitment.
Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen Egyptiläinen: Isis Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko Druidi: Pähkinäpensas Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
« Vastaus #57 : 18.02.2008 21:47:37 » |
In Golden Atlantis, people spoke very little because they had strong telepathic skills and could communicate clearly over long distances. Because they could readily read each other’s minds, they kept their thoughts pure and constructive and only transmitted positive messages or images. The teacher-priests taught the children telepathically and crystals were programmed by thoughts that were projected into them. Pure communication
Notice how telepathically receptive you are. Your guidance is to clear your mind and become receptive to the messages of your guides and angels, as well as to the thoughts of other people. Someone is trying to transmit something important to you. You are also called on to project telepathic messages of hope, love and inspiration to others.
Clear your mind to transmit and receive messages.
« Vastaus #58 : 19.02.2008 13:08:52 » |
« Vastaus #59 : 19.02.2008 13:30:06 » |
ihan kuin tilattuna tämä ... and Music Ääni ja musiikkiKultaisella Atlantiksella ihmiset rakastivat harmoonista musiikkia, joka piti heidän taajuutensa korkealla, inspiroi heitä ja avasi heidän luovia ominaisuuksiaan. He rakensivat erityisiä äänihuoneita, joissa tuli ottaa huomioon täydellisesti geometriset suhteet parantamiselle ja chakrojen tasapainottamiselle. Sopivaa musiikkia soitettiin opetustemppeleissä siksi että lapsen mieli tuli vastaanottavaiseksi tiedolle, jota hän musiikin vaikutuksesta pystyi sulattamaan ja siten ottamaan käyttöönsä. Ammoisina aikoina ei kuunneltu rokkia eikä hevimetallimusiikkia, koska kukaan ei halunnut epätasapainoa tai eripuraisuutta. Sitäpaitsi he olivat Äärettömän ohjauksessa. Harmony HarmoniaTämä on tasapainon kortti. Sinua ohjataan varmistamaan, että kaikki elämässäsi on tasapainossa ja sopusoinnussa. Opi ja opeta rennolla tavalla. Sinua muistutetaan myös siitä, että kaunis musiikki ja laulu voi muuttaa sinun mielialaasi ja nostaa henkeäsi. Keep everything in harmony ~ Pidä kaikki tasapainossa.