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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Diana Coopper- Atlantis- kortit  (Luettu 62277 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #60 : 18.02.2008 22:47:37 »


In Golden Atlantis, people spoke very little because they had strong telepathic skills and could communicate clearly over long distances. Because they could readily read each other’s minds, they kept their thoughts pure and constructive and only transmitted positive messages or images. The teacher-priests taught the children telepathically and crystals were programmed by thoughts that were projected into them.
Pure communication

Notice how telepathically receptive you are. Your guidance is to clear your mind and become receptive to the messages of your guides and angels, as well as to the thoughts of other people. Someone is trying to transmit something important to you. You are also called on to project telepathic messages of hope, love and inspiration to others.

Clear your mind to transmit and receive messages.


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
« Vastaus #61 : 19.02.2008 14:08:52 »

... tästä linkistä voit nostaa itselleen kortin linkistä löydät käännöksiä ...   

« Vastaus #62 : 19.02.2008 14:30:06 »

 smitten ihan kuin tilattuna tämä ...  Kiss angel angel angel

Sound and Music
Ääni ja musiikki

Kultaisella Atlantiksella ihmiset rakastivat harmoonista musiikkia, joka piti heidän taajuutensa korkealla, inspiroi heitä ja avasi heidän luovia ominaisuuksiaan. He rakensivat erityisiä äänihuoneita, joissa tuli ottaa huomioon täydellisesti geometriset suhteet parantamiselle ja chakrojen tasapainottamiselle.

Sopivaa musiikkia soitettiin opetustemppeleissä siksi että lapsen mieli tuli vastaanottavaiseksi tiedolle, jota hän musiikin vaikutuksesta pystyi sulattamaan ja siten ottamaan käyttöönsä.

Ammoisina aikoina ei kuunneltu rokkia eikä hevimetallimusiikkia, koska kukaan ei halunnut epätasapainoa tai eripuraisuutta. Sitäpaitsi he olivat Äärettömän ohjauksessa.


Tämä on tasapainon kortti. Sinua ohjataan varmistamaan, että kaikki elämässäsi on tasapainossa ja sopusoinnussa. Opi ja opeta rennolla tavalla. Sinua muistutetaan myös siitä, että kaunis musiikki ja laulu voi muuttaa sinun mielialaasi ja nostaa henkeäsi.

Keep everything in harmony ~ Pidä kaikki tasapainossa.

Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #63 : 19.02.2008 18:01:51 »


The Golden Atlanteans honoured every aspect of the natural world, understanding that everyone and everything is part of Source. Humans, animals and nature worked together and there was no fear between the species. Plants reciprocated with a bountiful harvest. Animals gave their produce freely and lovingly. Recognising the divine uniqueness of all life forms, the people never tried to alter or interfere with the genetic blueprint of life.

This card reminds you to recognise and honour your uniqueness and that of everyone else. Consciously contribute to the well-being of the natural world and notice how people, animals and plants respond to you. Your guidance is to check that your thoughts, words and deeds are harmless and well-intentioned; then your rewards will be bountiful beyond your expectations.

It is time to harvest your abundance.

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #64 : 19.02.2008 20:05:03 »

Mullekin tuli


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #65 : 22.02.2008 19:39:32 »

The citizens of Golden Atlantis were aware that water washes, hydrates and is a cosmic cleanser, which purifies people at a cellular level. They knew that flowing water soothes emotions, opens up spiritual and psychic potential and that its force can be harnessed to change situations. So they placed fountains in every temple and swam in rivers or picnicked by lakes whenever possible. Most of all, they liked to sit and contemplate where they could hear the sound of running water.

Your guidance is to spend time today near water, preferably by a river, lake or the sea, or in a bath or shower. As you immerse yourself in the cosmic energy, sense it purifying each cell of your body. If you cannot physically be in or near water, visualise it.

Use water for deep inner and outer cleansing.
smitten smitten smitten

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #66 : 22.02.2008 19:43:27 »


The citizens of Golden Atlantis were aware that water washes, hydrates and is a cosmic cleanser, which purifies people at a cellular level. They knew that flowing water soothes emotions, opens up spiritual and psychic potential and that its force can be harnessed to change situations. So they placed fountains in every temple and swam in rivers or picnicked by lakes whenever possible. Most of all, they liked to sit and contemplate where they could hear the sound of running water.

Your guidance is to spend time today near water, preferably by a river, lake or the sea, or in a bath or shower. As you immerse yourself in the cosmic energy, sense it purifying each cell of your body. If you cannot physically be in or near water, visualise it.

Use water for deep inner and outer cleansing.

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #67 : 04.03.2008 15:19:20 »

High Priest
At any given time there were six High Priests (and six High Priestesses) of Atlantis – highly-evolved, cosmic beings who took instructions directly from the Intergalactic Council. Each was in charge of one of the twelve regions. They were noble leaders who worked selflessly for the greatest good of the people. They presided over important ceremonies and poured pure, high-frequency light down onto the populace to maintain the light of Atlantis.

If you pick this card, it suggests that you take command of your life and demonstrate who you truly are. You are called on to exercise your leadership qualities, act with integrity, take clear, wise decisions and to empower others for the highest good of all. This is a time for strong and selfless service.

Lead with strength and wisdom.

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #68 : 04.03.2008 21:03:39 »

Birth Crystals

When babies were born in the Golden Age, crystals from their home planet materialised beside them. Because all humans go through the Veil of Amnesia on incarnation, people were unable to remember their stellar origins. However, when they held their birth crystals, they made an unconscious connection with home, and felt a sense of peace and comfort that helped them during their time on Earth.

If you draw this card you are guided to strengthen your connection with ‘home’, which may mean meditating on your stellar origins. Alternatively, it may suggest that you explore your background and ancestral heritage. You may even need to put down more roots to enhance your feeling of belonging, which you can do by meeting new people, deepening friendships or developing interests locally.

Deepen your roots to create a solid foundation.

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #69 : 27.03.2008 15:25:12 »

In the golden times of Atlantis, everyone co-operated selflessly for the highest good, with the benefit that they all felt safe and belonging. The people also pooled everything – their produce, gifts, skills and work. All was offered with love to the community. There was no such thing as money. Because each family took only what it needed, there was always plenty for everyone and a sense of abundance prevailed.

What can you share today? It may be your friendship, your time or something more tangible. Receiving this card guides you to give away anything you no longer need. It also suggests that you co-operate with others for the greater good. Be generous-hearted and your rewards from the Universe will be great.

Co-operate in a vision greater than yourself.

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #70 : 27.03.2008 21:20:39 »


In Golden Atlantis ,the people focused on the delight of the moment. They lived in the ‘now’ so there were no tenses or words for past or future. Because every feeling and thought contributes to creating the future, the Atlanteans automatically built one that was happy and benign. Furthermore, because they were emotionally present for other people, everyone felt acknowledged and cared for.
Live in the now

Your guidance is to be fully present, emotionally as well as physically, for yourself and others today. The past is gone and churning about it is wasted energy. The future is yet to be written for you manifest it with your current thoughts. Make sure your mind-focus is positive and constructive.

Remain aware at all times.

 smitten  angel  smitten

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #71 : 27.03.2008 21:36:04 »

Pools of Energy

When the final experiment of Atlantis was established, the senior priesthood created a pool of high-frequency energy, which the people could access to enhance their own energy or help them manifest their visions.

Later, the Violet Flame was offered to the citizens. This could be visualised or invoked to enable them to transmute any negativity that arose, especially in relationships.

Cosmic help

Your guidance is to call on the Great Cosmic Pool of energy for it is time now to manifest your dreams. Before you invoke the cosmic assistance, be still and focus on your vision. Only negative thoughts can hold you back, so call in or visualise the Violet Flame to dissolve them. Move forward now.

The Cosmos is ready to help you.


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
Viestejä: 385

Que cambie todo pero no el amor

« Vastaus #72 : 27.03.2008 22:44:31 »

All the Atlanteans of the Golden Age were clairvoyant for their third eyes were fully open. They could see the invisible realms, the angels, spirit guides, unicorns and nature spirits and they communicated with animals and plants.

Because they could all see auras and their intuition was finely-honed, they were aware of the feelings and energies of everyone around them. This awareness promoted compassion and caring. Also, because nothing could be hidden, everyone was open, truthful and honest.

Psychic gifts
There are many ways of seeing with your inner vision. You may physically see pictures on your inner screen, you may sense or you may ‘know’. It is time to develop your third eye and trust your intuition.

Trust your inner vision and knowing.

Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway.
~ Anna Eleanor Roosevelt  ~
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #73 : 06.04.2008 14:48:24 »

Crystal Skulls
During Golden Atlantis, thirteen life-size, quartz skulls were fashioned using technology currently beyond our comprehension. Twelve of these were advanced computers into which the leaders of the twelve tribes recorded the history and knowledge of their region. The thirteenth was a higher-frequency, amethyst skull containing all the information of Atlantis and is no longer in physical form. When humanity raises its vibration, it will re-materialise to assist the energy of Atlantis to return.

The Unknown
Your guidance is that there is a mystery waiting to unfold for much is yet unknown. Perhaps new information is to come to you, or old memories or ancient wisdom may surface to your conscious awareness. Meditation would help you to facilitate this. Be cautious about making a decision for you do not have the whole picture.

A mystery is waiting to unfold.

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #74 : 06.04.2008 21:13:38 »


Dolphins came to Earth from Sirius to teach humans. They are Wise Ones who also maintain the vibration of the oceans. In Atlantis, they telepathically imparted guidance, technological knowledge and wisdom as they swam with people. They still do this, at the same time offering us healing and joy and helping to reconnect us to our soul energy. After the fall, the mighty angels of Atlantis took dolphin bodies and became the Angel Dolphins. They seek people who are pure and dedicated enough to work with them now.
Wisdom and Joy

This card suggests that you live lightly and wisely, bringing joy, fun and laughter into your life. You are also guided to develop your healing abilities, serving your fellow humans and the planet.

Serve with wisdom and joy.

 smitten  smitten  smitten

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
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