tässä tuli ravulle Kuun oppositiota.. olispa hauska katsoa lähteekö, jos ei niin.. itse haluan ainakin tavata tyypin joka aiheutti niin paljon tunteita.. että onko ne mennyttä jo. sen jälkeen tullut muita tarjokkaita, kuitenkaan tunne ei ole liikahtanut itsessäni. ennen kaikkea haluan että
on vapaa, jos kokemus on koettu. hyvä.. olemme jo eri maailmoissa. silti jokin syy että tavattiin- ja että aina otetaan toisiimme yhteyttä. esim hän syyskuussa taas 5x.
Intense encounters
Weak, transient effect: Tonight you can expect intense encounters with others, chiefly those with whom you are very emotionally involved. The deepest and most powerful sources within your subconscious mind are influencing your actions now, and often it is difficult to avoid acting impulsively. Guilt, jealousy, overpossessiveness or simply the desire to control another's emotions can take possession of you, or you may experience these feelings through someone else. You can be sure that any conflicts between you and another person will reveal a great deal about the inner workings of you both. If you can view such conflicts dispassionately and in a calmer light later on, you may derive some benefit from this influence. Otherwise, these encounters are likely to be fruitless and irritating.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Moon Opposition Pluto, , exact at 19:21
activity period from 5 October 2009 to 6 October 2009