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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Karkauspäivä - kosia vai karata  (Luettu 3840 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 40

« : 09.02.2008 22:21:46 »

Olen kohdistanut jousimies naisen rakkauteni - käsittämätöntä kyllä - härkä mieheen.
Suhteemme on kestänyt puolisen vuotta, jona aikana olen tehnyt useita eroja, jotka olen perunut päivän kahden kuluttua.
Naurettavaa.  crazy2

Ihmettelenkin, mikä tuossa miehessä vetää minua puoleensa, niin paljon, että olen leikitellyt mielessäni ajatuksella karkauspäivän kosinnasta. Olen  jopa nähnyt mielessäni päiväyksen 31.7.2008, joka olisi varsinainen kihlajaispäivä.  Smiley

Tarvitsisin nyt apua karttojemme tulkintaan, asian tiimoilta. Eli jos haluat auttaa tulkinnassa niin syntymätietomme ovat:
nainen: 20.12.1963 klo 18:10 Helsinki
mies:    10.05.1963 klo 09:55 Lappeenranta.

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #1 : 10.02.2008 14:17:34 »

Terve  jousimies  Smiley

teille tulee sama kumman alhainen numero starmatchissa. Joka saa ihmettelemään palstan pistesysteemiä.. siis sama alhainen kuin minulla ja eräällä joka on selvästi sielukumppani. NIIN olisi ollut 4 muutakin sitä ennen, mutta nämä numerot.. hmm.. kolmen muun kanssa kattelin lukemat ja yleensä oli vitosta, kutosta tai ysiä. Nyt sitten kun erään kanssa meinasin pistää ihan paussin, asiat kääntyi taas parempaan,  meillä onkin pluto haittana. En osaa sanoa miten kauan juttu jatkuu, mutta koettava se kait on, tai siis meitä tuodaan yhteen.. sanoisin että meidän juttu on hyvä juuri tiettyyn vaiheeseen, ei pitkiin sitoumuksiin. Starmatchissa oli paljon oikeaakin, liittyen ongelmakohtiin.

katso vielä ja



You have 2 positive and 13 minor positive aspects. There are 5 difficult and 9 minor negative aspects.
StarMatch and Synastry Aspects
Venus    Sextile    Mars    8.4         Uranus    Sextile    Moon    6.7
Venus    Sextile    Jupiter    6.5         Mars    Sextile    Jupiter    5.9
Moon    Sextile    Pluto    5.9         Pluto    Sextile    Moon    5.9
Venus    Sextile    Venus    5.9         Ascendant    Trine    Moon    5.9
Jupiter    Conjunct    Uranus    5.9         Uranus    Sextile    Jupiter    5.7
Moon    Sextile    Uranus    5.7         Mercury    Conjunct    Mercury    5.5
Mercury    Sextile    Jupiter    5.4         Neptune    Conjunct    Jupiter    5.4
Jupiter    Conjunct    Pluto    5.3         Sun    Square    Jupiter    4.7
Moon    Square    Venus    4.7         Saturn    Sextile    Uranus    4.7
Mercury    Square    Uranus    4.3         Jupiter    Square    Moon    4.1
Mercury    Square    Pluto    4.1         Moon    Square    Jupiter    4.1
Jupiter    Square    Mercury    4.1         Saturn    Square    Venus    4.0
Saturn    Square    Jupiter    3.3         Venus    Square    Pluto    2.9
Moon    Square    Sun    2.4         Mars    Square    Uranus    0.7
Mars    Square    Pluto    -0.4    


nainen's Venus Sextile mies's Mars * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 8.4
Nainen will love mies. That's what this aspect is about. Venus; female, Mars; male. Put them together and you have the attraction of opposites, like plus and minus electric charges. Although a sextile is less compelling than a trine or conjunction, it is very nice just the same.

nainen's Uranus Sextile mies's Moon * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 6.7
mies will have an appreciation of nainen's sexual nature, and will be attracted to nainen's vitality and aliveness.

nainen's Venus Sextile mies's Jupiter * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 6.5
Venus has a reputation as being the planet of love. Jupiter is the most beneficent planet, urging humans to 'eat, drink, and be merry'. Nainen will love Mies's good hearted nature and 'big thinking' and Mies will draw out nainen's loving nature. When Venus is harmoniously connected with Jupiter, 'let the good times roll'!

nainen's Mars Sextile mies's Jupiter * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.9
Energetic Mars combines well with magnificent, expansive Jupiter. The couple with this aspect will have an easy time launching joint projects, especially social ones, or organizing festivals, conferences, etc. It will also help greatly in domestic matters, and will help promote comfort, success, and prosperity in your relationship.

nainen's Moon Sextile mies's Pluto * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.9
This aspect will add to the sexual attraction between the two of you. Also nainen will probably support mies's interest in spiritual or metaphysical topics.

nainen's Pluto Sextile mies's Moon * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.9
This aspect will add to the sexual attraction between the two of you. Also mies will probably support nainen's interest in spiritual or metaphysical topics.

nainen's Venus Sextile mies's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.9
appy clams, wherever you go or whatever you do.

nainen's Ascendant Trine mies's Moon * Traditional Synastry Aspect   Weight = 5.9
Mies will support nainen's social behavior.

nainen's Jupiter Conjunct mies's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.9
Jupiter is the largest and most powerful planet. It glows with its own energy as well as reflected light from the Sun and generally creates favorable conditions and good personality characteristics for everyone. When mighty Jupiter is conjunct Uranus, planet of creativity and sexual energy, there is bound to be a strong and bountiful reaction. Perhaps you will be lucky, or more fortunate than other people. You may use your sexual-creative energy in useful social projects, as Jupiter helps bring forth good for everyone. You will support each other in any endeavor without restriction.

nainen's Uranus Sextile mies's Jupiter * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.7
This is a favorable aspect for friendship. mies will stimulate and expand the creative thoughts of nainen, or will willingly go along with whatever nainen proposes.

nainen's Moon Sextile mies's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.7
nainen will have an appreciation of mies's sexual nature, and will be attracted to mies's vitality and aliveness.

nainen's Mercury Conjunct mies's Mercury * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.5
Mercury relates to your mental activities. When they are conjunct, there will be good communication between the two of you. This aspect serves as a good foundation for love, friendship, or business.

nainen's Mercury Sextile mies's Jupiter * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.4
The mental qualities associated with Mercury will harmoniously enhance similar qualities of beneficent Jupiter. This will be good for both parties.

nainen's Neptune Conjunct mies's Jupiter * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.4
Jupiter, the benefic, expansive planet will harmonize well with Neptune, planet of sleep, dreams, or psychic factors. You may become involved in metaphysics or philosophical studies. However, you may get carried away with illusory projects.

nainen's Jupiter Conjunct mies's Pluto * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 5.3
Jupiter is connected with wealth, social and material well being, and adventuring. When Jupiter connects with the Pluto of another, its interest in wealth may move towards more spiritual realms. Or, the spiritual Pluto quality of one partner (mies) may be tempered by good business and material qualities brought out by the Jupiter person (nainen). This is a nice aspect for any couple to have.

Squares are like weeds in a garden. A few are okay and may even be attractive, but if left unattended, they can grow tall and choke out the flowers and edible vegetables. By recognizing them early, you can limit their growth.

nainen's Sun Square mies's Jupiter * Traditional Synastry Aspect   Weight = 4.7
nainen and mies may want to each 'do their own thing' with this aspect. There probably wont be quarrels, just independence of action. At a deep level, nainen's major purpose in life won't be supported by mies, so there will a constant, yet perhaps unexpressed dissatisfaction. Mies may think that nainen is a party poop.

nainen's Moon Square mies's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 4.7
Since both the Moon and Venus are planets of love and attraction, this square may probably not lead to confrontation or conflict between the two of you. There may just be little differences of mood or pleasure interests now and then. Such differences can even help add more interest to the relationship.

nainen's Saturn Sextile mies's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 4.7
mies may feel a bit sexually or physically inhibited around nainen. This could dampen your love life, though it's only a sextile, so it's not too strong.

nainen's Mercury Square mies's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 4.3
You may have misunderstandings about sex, or may be unable to talk about your sexual connection. Arguments are likely.

nainen's Jupiter Square mies's Moon * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 4.1
mies might not feel like joining nainen in social activities, and may feel alienated from nainen's world. Philosophical or ideological differences may be present.

nainen's Mercury Square mies's Pluto * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 4.1
Nainen may not support mies's spiritual interests. Mies may also irritate nainen by coming on strong about some topic or other. There may be disagreements over scientific, philosophical, or spiritual beliefs.

nainen's Moon Square mies's Jupiter * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 4.1
nainen might not feel like joining mies in social activities, and may feel alienated from mies's world. Philosophical or ideological differences may be present.

nainen's Jupiter Square mies's Mercury * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 4.1
Mercury is related to communication, Jupiter to socializing and other 'outer' activities. With this square you probably may have a hard time planning social or business activities, and philosophical differences could lead you into many debates.

nainen's Saturn Square mies's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 4.0
Venus is known as the planet of love. Saturn is associated with structure or discipline. With this square, you may experience some inhibition in the expression of love. Mies's love may be squashed by considerations, restraints, and structures imposed onto the relationship by Nainen.

nainen's Saturn Square mies's Jupiter * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 3.3
mies may feel put down by nainen, who will act more restrictive or security conscious in some areas of the relationship. If finances or business matters are shared, there could be conflicts in this area. nainen may need to let mies go at times.

nainen's Venus Square mies's Pluto * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 2.9
There are certain qualities that Mies has that are disturbing to nainen, and mies, in turn, may sense a lack of appreciation on nainen's part. There can be discomforts and difficulties in your spiritual relationship, so it would be most helpful to meditate together daily.

nainen's Moon Square mies's Sun * Traditional Synastry Aspect   Weight = 2.4
Nainen's feelings may often be ignored by Mies. Nainen may feel angry and resentful, when mies takes the lead. There may be continual friction unless you can transcend this square.

nainen's Mars Square mies's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = 0.7
The presence of this square in a relationship requires some effort to transcend. You need quite a bit of independence from each other. Nainen, especially, needs to learn to stay out of mies's way, and to try not to become emotionally overreactive. Both of you need to develop patience for one another, and mutual respect. If you aren't careful, you can quickly get on each other's nerves.

nainen's Mars Square mies's Pluto * Starmatch Solar Aspect    Weight = -0.4
There is likely to be a conflict of wills between the two of you. Dogmatic quarrels may be common, Mies may come down heavy on nainen, who may erupt or smolder with resentment. Any attempt by one person to exert authority over the other will be almost automatically met with resistance. Take care with each other and practice diplomacy.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 10.02.2008 14:24:42 kirjoittanut ^Soul´s Adventure^ » tallennettu

Viestejä: 273

« Vastaus #2 : 01.03.2008 10:00:21 »

Olen kohdistanut jousimies naisen rakkauteni - käsittämätöntä kyllä - härkä mieheen.
Suhteemme on kestänyt puolisen vuotta, jona aikana olen tehnyt useita eroja, jotka olen perunut päivän kahden kuluttua.
Naurettavaa.  crazy2

Ihmettelenkin, mikä tuossa miehessä vetää minua puoleensa, niin paljon, että olen leikitellyt mielessäni ajatuksella karkauspäivän kosinnasta. Olen  jopa nähnyt mielessäni päiväyksen 31.7.2008, joka olisi varsinainen kihlajaispäivä.  Smiley

Tarvitsisin nyt apua karttojemme tulkintaan, asian tiimoilta. Eli jos haluat auttaa tulkinnassa niin syntymätietomme ovat:
nainen: 20.12.1963 klo 18:10 Helsinki
mies:    10.05.1963 klo 09:55 Lappeenranta.

Hauska lukea tätä kun minä leijona rakastuin härkään ja sama meiniki kuin sinulla ja 4 kuukauden aikana monta kriisiä ja muutaman päivän kuluttua taa kaikki hyvin.
Tapasimme 12.5.2006 ja nyt ollaa naimisissa hän lähti suomesta jo 7.8.2006 ja suhteemme kesti kaukorakkauden, naimisiin mentiin 7.2 2008.
Aikaisemmin en ollut tuntenut yhtään härkä miestä ja tässä minun härkä miehessä on kyllä jotain salaperäisen kiehtovaa joka vetää puoleensa. Tykkää lähellä olosta ja halailusta, on sulkeutunut mutta kuitenkin avoin, kova tekemään töitä mutta tykkää laiskotella.
Poistuu paikalta jos tulee riita mutta palaa hetkenkuluttua takaisin. Cheesy

Sivuja: [1]